The Porkchop Express

No, no, it just waits until right before orgasm to go limp. Then, with the crowd cheering, it grows to tremendous size and finishes.

Dear Hollywood

Then the natives would be shooting real arrows.

"Arrrgghhh! It's a re-run!"

It was just Emilio Estevez in old people make-up.

It was just Emilio Estevez in old people make-up.

I'm no lawyer, but you may have found a legal loophole.

The one that always stuck with me over the years was when someone found a VHS tape in a field or by the road or something. I can vividly remember the footage that they played on the show. It was a house being burned up in a roaring fire (apparently it was still under construction and no one lived there yet) with a

The one that always stuck with me over the years was when someone found a VHS tape in a field or by the road or something. I can vividly remember the footage that they played on the show. It was a house being burned up in a roaring fire (apparently it was still under construction and no one lived there yet) with a

I was about 3 when Adam Walsh was kidnapped. Man, did things change after that. I remember my mother taking me to the public library to get finger printed along with about 40 other kids. The idea being that if we were ever kidnapped that we'd be able to be identified depending upon the… um… circumstances of our

I was about 3 when Adam Walsh was kidnapped. Man, did things change after that. I remember my mother taking me to the public library to get finger printed along with about 40 other kids. The idea being that if we were ever kidnapped that we'd be able to be identified depending upon the… um… circumstances of our

It was especially startling because she didn't know you were hidden in the women's bathroom vent.

It was especially startling because she didn't know you were hidden in the women's bathroom vent.

Just like he did with Airplane II, the Shat was picking up Stack's leftovers.

Just like he did with Airplane II, the Shat was picking up Stack's leftovers.

Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked… in the head… with an iron boot? Of course you don't. No one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question… skip that.

Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked… in the head… with an iron boot? Of course you don't. No one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question… skip that.

That was a typo in the English translations. It was supposed to be Tranny Smurf.

You know these millennials and their half-assed work ethic.

Is this a pinky swear?