The Porkchop Express

"He hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!"

Um… you might want to reread the whole comment…

This kid is awful and so are his parents for not teaching him better. Setting fires to things and then admitting them on national TV? Shut up until the cops arrive and then only speak to ask for a lawyer.

At least you found your special purpose.

Not when they're trying to use the small fires to dispose of the dead body.

Kim Jong-un

Some really evil bastards keep trying to convince me that Sci-Fi did a mini-series in the 90's.

Thank you, Topper. I can kill again, you've given me another reason to live.

Not really. I think in the comics she was created by Gargamel as a trap.

"Smurfberries are SHIT!"

You can take out the word 'Animation', and the sentence still works.

Smurf the police!
Smurf-smurf-smurf the police!

Autoerotic Asphyxiation Smurf was found in his closet.

I think that has more to do with the people who have joined the Republican Party because of Trump rather than people within the party changing their minds. The base haven't changed their minds. They've been replaced. I know a few card carrying Repubs, and they don't like Trump at all. They were also quick to point out

I wouldn't go so far as to say that Republicans are pro-Russia. Trump is. The rest of the party just doesn't know which way is up anymore after this last primary and general election.

The kola-ty of these puns has really gone down.

But only from 2:15 to 2:30 AM on alternating Thursdays.

But that would require me to watch an Eli Roth movie.

Don't forget the great Ferengi comedy episodes.

I loved DS9 for all their little jabs at TNG era Trek rules that Rodenberry came up with. It's just that TNG die hards were the majority, and those douches torpedoed Enterprise. Having product placement in a setting that inexplicably became money-less in the 80's put a smile on my face.