The Porkchop Express

Picard did a whole lotta preachy talk to aliens. Plus, are you seriously telling me that people are listening to rag-time in the 24th century but not one damn soul likes Jimi Hendrix? I call shenanigans!

Video Game Developers: We never learned composition.

Working in academia for the past 15 years has taught me that there is a vast difference between knowledge and intelligence.

No longer drunk, but I am smiling pretty damn hard right now.

Man, I can't stop laughing right now. Full disclosure: I am a bit drunk.

It also reminds you just how fucking popular Pee Wee Herman was in the mid to late 80's.

I'll give him credit for knocking off some of the pretentiousness that crept into Trek. Especially after TNG took to the air.

Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home, and Undiscovered Country really do play like big budget, overlong episodes of the original series. Final Frontier is a third season episode after NBC took over.

A Scotsman playing an Egyptian pretending to be Spanish training a Frenchman playing a Scot pretending to be American to fight and American pretending to be Russian.

It amazes me that with a concept like Highlander, no one thought, "Well, we can just set it before the first movie. These guys have been around for hundreds of years."

Same here. I think it was Louis Gossett Jr's performance.

Lords of Light!

A friend of mine said he watched it with commentary. Apparently, the director and co-creator Dave Arneson did it. The director is talking about how they had to have good CGI for the dragon's to display emotions because 'dragons can't talk.' Arneson chips in, "Actually, dragons can talk. They're intelligent creatures."

It stuck more to the D&D world. When that chick teleported into the column…

Spielberg especially just gets a check for them to use his name as a way to attract audiences/investors. Hasbro sold the movie rights to Transformers to Universal (thereby handing the keys over to Michael Bay) because the studio had paid Steven to say that he was going to executive produce. He didn't do any work or

Tell me something I don't know. But at least they won't fire me. The pay is shit, but I get at least two months off paid a year.

During the interview process?

My direct supervisor lives in constant fear that I'll quit. One day she had forgotten that I was ok'ed to come in late because of an early morning dentist appointment. Apparently, there was a huge freak-out over me walking out on the job until I showed up an hour and a half later.

Not in my experience. The entitlement I see are people demanding more leeway to come in late, take longer lunches, leave early, and not have to put in as much effort as everyone else. Or, as I see everyday in my job in admissions for a university, not thinking that they need to do the things that are clearly listed as

A lot more people are staying in school right after that BA or BS to keep from having to get a real job. I see it all the time.