The Porkchop Express

I work at a private, not-for-profit university. It's basically just a business now and not an institution of higher learning. And it's a poorly run business at that. Just 20 years ago if you were caught plagiarizing a paper, you'd be tossed out. Now, if that money keeps flowing in to pay for your classes in that same

I honestly haven't met anyone who has said that millennials work longer for less. The entitlement and laziness has come about quite a few times. I'll be honest though. I've seen this as much as a societal shift as I have a generational one. I've got boomer and gen x'ers who are just as entitled as most millennials.

I have a problem where I'm the only person in a department that's growing by leaps and bounds as far as how much we process. The higher ups emphasize this growth publicly as a way of showing how great a job they're doing; but they won't hire anyone else to work with me. On top of that, I get called to meetings

There's an annoying woman in my office. When she's not in her cube, I go in and fart on the headrest part of her chair. I file this under 'Strengths'.

I'm not faulting the DD show for that. The reason it worked out the way it did in the comic is because the title on the front was 'The Punisher'. Just like how the Spider-man and Wolverine team-ups Ennis did would never have come out anywhere close to the way he wrote them if they were happening in the other

Never… seen… Venture… Brothers…?

You're going to have to accept that this thing is bigger than just you now.

I thought that the original question kinda allowed us to go into the silliest of territories here. It's quite clear here that (as posed by The Venture Brothers) they're a cult with Freddy as the leader who always separates Shaggy from himself and the women. This also gives context to his fascination with traps.

I don't know. Velma's probably got a lot of pent up, repressed sexual energy. She'd probably do whatever she needed to in order to keep a guy ifyaknowwhatimean.

This makes sense since Gambit looks like the kind of guy luring 7 year-olds into the back of vans.

Do you know anyone who does know Michael Caine?

What would be the most surprising/unexpected thing people could learn about you?

"While your implementation of safe sexual practices is a responsible act, could you please find somewhere other than my back seat to dispose of the used condoms?"

I remember in high school our Diversified Tech class had all these posters with her talking about science and tech careers. She was in all these robot like poses wearing bad, z-grade sci-fi like clothes and make-up.

Might have been USA as I know that they aired E/R but not sure about the other. People forget how different these basic cable channels were 20-30 years ago. They couldn't afford original programming. I remember a time when you could flip through the channels and had just as much a chance of seeing an old Tarzan movie

I don't think it knew how to do any of that. The original had a good story about Murphy rediscovering his humanity. This one had the guy and his family know the truth from the get-go. Plus, his overcoming the evil corporation's control over him was BS because they didn't use software like in the original. They

Tell me if you can differentiate one Salkind from another.

I'm a Multiplicity fan too. Harold Ramis didn't make shit…. until Year One.

I think Multiplicity is an underappreciated movie.

There was a good REM song on there as well if I recall.