The Porkchop Express

As terrible as the movie was, I think the casting of Arnold was the best decision. Let the action one-liner king do what he does best.

Keaton looked like he was barely ever there as Bruce, which is perfect. The confidence in the Batsuit was amazing until he was one on one with Vicki. Great subtlety in that performance.

Take Jamie Gertz out of Lost Boys, and it's about Keifer trying to get into Jason Patrick's pants. I don't know if that was the subtext or what.

A director has to know how to get what he WANTS out of an actor or to at least recognize that what he's getting is what the film needs. TV and movies are collaborative art forms. You're taking several artists (from script writers to actors to set and costume designers, etc.) and trying to make one cohesive piece of

They were all doodles that Schumacher made in the margins before hand Keaton the script.

Six. You forgot Richard Lester and the Salkinds.

There was a lot of monkeying around by producer Jon Peters. He was dating Bassinger at the time and kept having them increase her role. He also had the cathedral set built without telling anyone and forced Burton to use it. Nicholson is said to have stopped in mid-take and ask, 'Why the hell am I dragging her up

"I'm not sure about this character. I'll have to give it some thought."
"Mr. Cage, the IRS is on line 2."
"Listen, if that check clears, I'm there first thing Monday morning."

Not really. It was about even by that point. Original Batman carried a gun, snapped necks, tossed gangsters off of rooftops, and even lynched a mutant with his Batgyro-copter. The Comics Code Authority forced the tied to giant typewriter Batman onto the public. The Dark Knight Batman came back in the early 70's thanks

"They keep saying that Burton made Gotham City a character in HIS films. How about I make Gotham a 60's era Las Vegas showgirl?"

Johnny Dangerously is a fucking cinematic masterpiece. Peter Boyle for god's sake. And Joe Piscopo before cancer and weight lifting got rid of all the funny in his body.

I think everyone's just been avoiding the news lately.

Now, I have the need to see the smooth jazz-like Billy Dee sweet talkin' some pretty lady only to turn around and reveal the down-home 'Goddamn!' of Tommy Lee Jones.

This movie is one of the earliest proofs that Tim Burton isn't really a storyteller. He's an artist. Visually, he gets it. If there isn't a good, solid script already in place or he gets too much creative input, it all starts going to hell. The whole circus thing was a leftover idea from the first film that he had for

It's the only movie that I ever even considered walking out on in the theaters. And I sat through a Pauly Shore film.

For that you get a gold star.

Marvel at least makes fun if not forgettable movies.

Weird. I didn't realize that anyone was really that big of a fan of Elliott Gould's 80's sitcom attempt.

I think my disappointment with the reboot is how well they do some things but pretty much drop the ball on the most important aspects or refuse to really push what is clearly there to be critiqued. We were in the peak of the drone program, and they pretty much left that on the table. The Sam Jackson character was a

His idea of gangsters was that episode of Star Trek where Mel from 'Alice' was a don.