The Porkchop Express

Electric Boogaloo!

In so much that they use certain scenes, yeah. When my friends and I saw DD chained up on the roof, we got super excited. Because it was the DD show and not Punisher show, it didn't resolved the same way as Ennis wrote it. Even then, Ennis's Punisher was more of a man always looking for a war; and the mob just gave

Kurt it out.

Never got that far.

Even when I read that Dillon died a few months back, I still came to that moment of Frank punching the polar bear in my mind. Just a fantastic book.

I think the problem with Ennis's run on the Max imprint was the move to six issue arcs. Ennis was fantastic at the solo stories and two or three issue arcs. Making the stories last six showed a lot of padding in the work. That was at the time that the industry as a whole was moving their output to better fit

Never let the facts get in the way of a good Kurt Sutter story.

"Why is he sitting around his apartment while an acoustic version of Duran Duran's 'Hungry Like the Wolf' is playing for two pages?"

Jesus: "Yes?"
Gale: "Did you read this?"
Jesus: "Yeah, I'd pass."

Which is what the Punisher needs to be.

I think of it has a lot to do with society. In the 70's and 80's, the rise in crime was heavy on the American conscious. Gang violence, serial killers, child abductors, etc. were all over the news. People liked the idea of a Punisher or Dirty Harry type who did what it took to get rid of the bad guys. Today, a guy

The best that you can give the Punisher is that he's sacrificed his own humanity for the sake of humanity in general. That said, Ennis's run was pretty fantastic to begin with. His dark humor was perfect for the character. His hatred of superheroes also shines through when you see that Marvel says something like,

I'd go further and say that the X-Files was better when it was more monster of the week rather than the overall picture. But, yeah, there should have been a few episodes here and there where they needed a slight diversion with a minor villain popping in without having to be tied directly into the season arc.

The Batman series of the 60's was having a laugh at the Batman comics of the time. They were written that way due not to the audience's whims as much as the necessity to adhere to the Comics Code Authority. Batman became dark again (he original tossed dudes off of rooftops, snapped guys' necks, and even lynched a

Sounds as great as the gangsters vs. vampires idea that one of the guys in my college classes had in mind.

But they were using drones. That was creating the need for more STEMS programs in our schools. Win-win.

Yeah. SOA would go down as one of my favorite shows if it only had one season. After that, you can tell that there was no plan on where to take it. "Let's go to Ireland and save Jax's son!"

I won't say greatest comic book movie ever, but it is the best Punisher movie. The Netflix Punisher is more in line with the white gloves and boots Punisher of Chuck Dixon. So they're not off the mark. It's just not Ennis's black comedy style.

All the budget went into the CGI/Holograms instead of the writing and it shows. It's just all about the spectacle instead of the human side of it now.

Time is the fire in which we burn.