The Porkchop Express

Jonathan Frakes.

Gawker went down because of its own arrogance. They were hit with a cease and desist order from the courts and openly refused to comply. That opened the gateway to a huge lawsuit from Hogan. When you pay for stories because of their ability for scandal instead of actual newsworthiness, you lessen your ability to hide

Jeffrey Dahmer

To clarify, it's human greed vs. human greed.

The market was never able to correct itself after Michael Jackson died.

Murder is a very time consuming task. Who has time to both kill and cook a meal?

I don't think that journalists have to worry. Slander and libel suits are really hard to win in the US. The ones being accused and actually lose these suits are a special breed of assholes (ie Gawker). What few journalists that we still have left in this country have nothing to fear. From these suits at least.

I didn't realize that you'd multi-classed as a bard.

There are a lot of things that should happen to Dr. Phil on just general principle.

CBS programming is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.

Saw that too. Maybe Lewis is a method actor and just hasn't gotten out of character from that movie yet.

Just when I think the laughing fits are over, 3 days later they're back.

It's especially bad that the whole backstory leads to the conclusion that the Grinch just needs to get laid to be an okay guy.

TV executives aren't a smart bunch. Just look at NBC. Creative people need to throw words, phrases, and titles at them that they may recognize in order to sell show ideas to networks. The trick is not to do anything like what it has been pitched as and then convince the TV execs that it was their idea to change it.

Let's be honest. With the exception of Married… With Children, Ted McGinley is the Dr. Kevorkian of TV. He's there to let the show die as painlessly as possible when it's become all too clear that its will to live is well past gone.

The reason why I love Netflix streaming so much is that it allows me to satiate my B and C-movie obsession without feeling like I wasted money on a rental just like HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and The Movie Channel used to allow me to do.

But he doesn't recognize that passable films are also part of that ecosystem. Movies aren't ever just good or bad. There's always been the plain average films. Since studios used to put out more movies a year than they currently do, we're not currently seeing 'more' of them now. We're just in the middle of a franchise

The Man from Uncle was pretty mediocre to me. I do agree that the first Sherlock film was fun. I think the problem with Ritchie is that his style wears pretty thin after a few films. It's kinda like Zach Snyder and his use of slo-mo. The first few films you see it and it's pretty cool. Then it just becomes 'meh'.

Hollywood has always depended on known properties to keep the lights on. We're no long in an era where they're shooting a film in a month and having it on screens a few weeks later, so the output is a lot less. That's probably why it seems so apparent now compared to previous years.

But he really hasn't done anything good since then. Compare him to Danny Boyle who rose to fame around the same time, and I think you can see where people are disappointed with his output.