The Porkchop Express

Considering his output since Snatch can you really say that it's the studios who are setting him up for failure?

Let's be honest. With his choices lately, it's a lot like those Aztecs who were happy to be the ones sacrificed.

And that's when the police stepped in.

Not much of a Dax Shepard fan, but Pena is the fucking man! I haven't seen a bad performance out of the guy yet, and he's got the range to go from drama to comedy. I kinda makes you feel good when you start to see someone who shows obvious talent in the smallest roles rise through the ranks in Hollywood like he has.

King Arthur: Guy Ritchie Has Some Really Embarrassing Photos of Hollywood Execs

I guess it was… what?… Rocks that was their last good album. Other than rereleases and live albums.

Yeah, they went around beating the crap out of supernatural creatures. If I remember correctly, it was the mostly French romantic poets of the 14th century that shaped the Arthurian legend as we know it today.

Bob Odenkirk is a goddamned national treasure.

70's Aerosmith is decent. It's the comeback they made after Run DMC that's pure and utter shit.

In a movie about giant space robots, Marky Mark playing a guy from Texas was the most unbelievable thing in the last Transformers movie.

I am willing to concede that, percentage wise, you are right; but that's due to Hollywood releasing fewer films now than in previous years. That's probably another big contributor to it feeling as though they're making more remakes/sequels/franchises than before.

How many Andy Hardy movies did Mickey Rooney make?(15 from '37 to '46) Ever heard of the Thin Man series? How about the Frankenstein films that Universal kept cranking out? And then the Hammer Dracula and Frankenstein films? Tarzan? The Bower Boys? Not to mention that a lot of movies back then were specifically built

I don't know. Hollywood had a habit of remaking movies and giving them different titles. I say the numbers haven't skewed that far from what they were in the 30's to the 50's. It's just that we're more aware of it than previous generations.

Fuckin' around in the office. They were shootin' paper clips at each other, and one of the damn fools hit him in the eye.

With chainsaws for hands!

Remakes have been around since the early days of cinema. It's just that we've gotten used to films having longer lives on TV and video (first VHS, now DVD/Blu Ray/streaming).

I always thought New Orleans would have been a good choice for another movie. It can be mostly flooded with alligator and sharks swimming down the streets.

The bad CGI had a lot to do with the company hired to do the FX not having any experience with the technology.

I didn't like it when it came out, but I've found an appreciation for it since. It's pretty much Carpenter and Russell getting big studio money to screw around with and have a good time. It is to Escape from New York what Gremlins 2 is to Gremlins.

Can I be a personal developer or property trainer?