The Porkchop Express

I work at a university and get all kinds of funny names. My favorite is a husband and wife with the last name Kuntz (they pronounce it Koontz, but I don't). They have to return every few years to take classes to keep their certifications, and they always do it together. It gives me an opportunity to say, "Those Kuntz

If she marries Alison Doody (or her brother, we're not making assumptions here), would that make her Imogen Doody-Poots?

I'll have to consult The Archmage of the Æther, but I'm sure that it was an area effect spell.

Indiana Jones and the Locked Toilet of Doom

The only difference between Netflix original programming and HBO is that Netflix gets actual, real-time data on who's watching their programming and when while HBO works off the scientific guessing of the Nielsen ratings. They're looking to see if their subscribers are interested in their original stuff and how much.

Same rule applies. I like my bourbon, but I also like a good beer.

I don't understand people who drink tasteless beer because it's cheaper to get drunk on. I mean, I like being drunk; but I like enjoying the act of getting drunk even more.

All he has to say is 'yes', but we all know that a long winded rant about how no one else will say 'yes' or how he says 'yes' the best out of any person he knows. That gives the Joint Chiefs 20 minutes to work something out.

Hipsters drink Pabts Blue Ribbon. Why? Because it was the beer that their fathers wouldn't drink. Their fathers wouldn't drink it because it was the beer that their fathers drank. It's a vicious cycle.

Let's be honest. The danger from toys of that era had less to do with the fact that they were made of metal and/or had hard/sharp bits than it was that we were a generation of dicks who disregarded any safety measures what-so-ever.

I know networks like to cross promote shows on their channel. Empty Nest and Golden Girls crossed over because they both took place in Florida (I think that there was another show about nurses spun off from Empty Nest that did the same). I remember an episode of The Fall Guy when I was a kid that crossed over with

Burton's Batman is said to not be profitable though it was one of the biggest movies and merchandising bonanza of '89. It's a very shady method of accounting that they use that not only uses profits from hits to cover the loses of flops. "We need posters. We'll spend $3 mill to print them. We'll also buy $5 mill in

McKean's got Better Call Saul and Levy and O'Hara have Schitt's Creek. It's probably more of a matter of availability than a working relationship gone sour. McKean was in Guest's Family Tree with O'Dowd and Ed Begley, Jr.

Happy Days would be the second most successful that I can think of. Most shows only had one successful spin-off. I know there were several attempts at spin-offs in Married with Children that never took. Different Strokes-The Facts of Life, Make Room for Daddy-The Andy Griffith Show-Mayberry RFD, The Mary Tyler Moore

All in the Family was the gift that kept on giving to Norman Lear. It spun off into The Jeffersons, which gave Florence her own failed spin-off, and Maude, which spun off into Good Times.

My friend and I have a running gag whenever we start talking all serious about our jobs and such to end it with "I'll always have a place at the Dairy Queen."

It takes a massive level of shittiness to fuck up a Peter Gabriel song.

Because Ashley Flair's father had wrestling talent?

*Breaks bottle of Romulan Ale*
Let's rock.

I thought that I was wearing pants that hid that.