The Porkchop Express

Most of the worst TOS comes in the third season after NBC took over and made it just another standard 60's sci-fi show. "Spock's Brain" is shit, but "City on the Edge of Forever" is just magnificent.

I don't like "Darmok" because it hinges on one of the worst concepts for a language. The others are good.

A lot of TNG comes off as meh and really, really preachy. But there are the great ones that match TOS greatness.

I'd swap I with V, but agree with the rest. V was a bad execution of the best Trek tropes. TMP was just a pretentious over thinking of what Trek really was and didn't quite click right. II and VI got it perfect.

I started getting them this year because I ordered off of Ticketmaster. You're probably in the same situation.

*Takes long drag off a cigarette.*
Just like our forefathers intended in the Constitution.

It's kinda fun to see how they make some of the useless shit on here sound like a bargain or something we need to buy.

Bite my shiny paper stock ass.

I bought tickets on TM a while back and started to get the magazines. I flipped through a couple and tried to read some articles but just couldn't. It's really something that exists because it existed for such a long time and can't quite die. I started getting the emails to resubscribe before my trial runs out months

Are you sure this isn't of of Kirk's log entries?

Not only that, but people just don't change that dramatically that quickly. Old habits are hard to break.

My favorite is when he picks up the phone and give a heart felt speech about love and appreciation and hangs up by saying he's on his way over. He then calls his secretary to have her call his wife and say that he'll be home late.

My favorite bit of dialogue from her was about how she was holding in all of her neurotic tendencies and eccentricities with her new boyfriend to keep from scaring him off. She was concerned that she'd go off like a volcano and cover him in 'hot, molten coo-coo'.

I think that has more to do with the broad (no sexist pun intended) scope that they began taking with everybody. JD went from drinking beer to Appletinis to cement the his lack of macho. The Janitor went borderline psycho with his stunts against JD or his relationship with a majority of the hospital staff.

"Hooch IS crazy."

He's where a lot of directors from that ear are these days, directing TV and fighting to get some indy stuff going. John Landis has slipped into more TV directing and moving into documentary films.

I still love Joe Dante. You can't just give up on someone who spent a career just dicking around in Hollywood and still producing some of the best films I've seen.

Isn't that how memes work in general?

It just takes on a whole new meaning. You have to find the miniature pill case and make sure the figure takes the right day's medication.

They remind me of all the Master's of the Universe figures from the 80's. 'We'll use the same mold but put in another color of plastic.'