The Porkchop Express

I still remember the original PSA's for most of these. The Shipwreck one is my absolute favorite.

Didn't they also do a 'Sorcerer/Wages of Fear' episode?

Not to mention that they were cheap plastic when Transformers were still using die cast metal for some of the parts. One the GoBots were crushed as competition, they went all plastic.

That's the same reason Skeletor had a robot army, so that He-Man could have something to punch in a fight.

Funny since he was the 'indy' guy in the 90's.

Maybe if they'd of cut their rates down from $10 a month, they wouldn't need to create new content to make subscribers feel like they're getting something for their money.

Hey, that was the cheapest bike shop in the neighborhood. Plus, he let you drink wine and watch cartoons.

Is it because it's ghost white on top surrounded by a red ring? Cuz you should really let a doctor take a look at that.

Grimace deserved it. He sent in a platoon of Fry Guys into what was obviously a Noid trap. Dead Fry Guy bodies everywhere. Burnt, overcooked Fry Guys. The horror.

Playing inside a murdered and skinned Grimace was always fun. Better than sitting on those little cheeseburger rocker things that had been sitting out in the hot sun.

As mayor of Drugachusetts I declare this pizza… AWESOME!

My great-grandmother used to tell scare us with warnings of being kidnapped by Rawhead and Bloodybones to keep us from wandering off to far into the woods behind her house. In college I met a girl who grandparents did the same thing. Turns out that it's an old Gaelic folklore that has become the basis for fear based

At least those child molesters weren't racists. They were equal opportunity pedophiles.

And let's not forget it's ugly step-child: Circus of the Stars. Fan worship culture back then was a totally different thing than this social media driven one of today.

And then, how to not laugh.

With no bra or panties. Got to love early 80's kids television.

Just to throw your mind for a loop, Ken Foree was up for that role.

"We need to update Godzilla for the 21st century."
"We can give him psoriasis."

His joke about Peyton being one of the top three quarterbacks in his family is proof enough of that.