The Porkchop Express

Jeff Ross constantly turning back to watch her reaction was funny too. He really enjoys those things and tries to get the non-comics to take it in stride as he did with the truckstop tranny joke that included him.

Comedy Central wanted some free press.

Not since Comedy Central decided to do their own. The Friar's Club Roasts were still friends making fun of friends. CC turned it into whoever they had on contract. At least they gave Patrice O'Neal and Greg Giraldo a paycheck every year.

I think everyone did well, except Coulter. Even she got in a couple of decent bits; but mostly she was there to do what Comedy Central wanted her to do, soak up the hatred of a very liberal crowd. Manning surprised me with how well he did.

That's just more of that close minded 2006 talk. The world's moved on since then.

My friend and I actually reference their Holiday Special quite a bit. It's shorthand for anytime there's an awkward pause after someone's taken the conversation off the rails.

His confusing Thrakkorzog's name is one of my favorite bits.

The cartoon is the perfect balance of what Edlund has been doing with the character. The first live action was too much about the mundane aspect of their lives. The cartoon balanced that with the comic book type adventures.

Fox wouldn't let the man eating part in. So there was just a licking of someone's hand and such.

Warburton does a good 'brawny dumb guy' Tick. Though I don't like the costume (for the same reason that I don't like a slew of the current superhero costume adaptations, but I admit that Edlund could be using that as a point), Serafinowicz is doing a good 'Adam West' Tick.

That's my punk band's name.

People forget how violent chimps can be. They form murder gangs and kill off the offspring of rivals.

I love how sign language is depicted in that movie simply as someone shaking their hands.

Just like when I was in college and got food at the chicken restaurant that hired nothing but potheads. My total was five and some change. I handed him a twenty, and he gave me back the four and change plus my own twenty back to me. It was the greatest day ever! Until two weeks later when it happened again.

But he'd been 'proven wrong' on his suspicion of Ollie being the vigilante in the first season. Had that not happened, yeah, he's a horrible detective. But since his dick had already been knocked in the dirt pretty hard for going after Ollie as the vigilante, it makes sense.


No. I went searching for it after mentioning it. Turns out that it was Craig Kilborne. My brain refused to acknowledge that he was actually a thing and substituted Conan.

One of the greatest things I've ever seen on TV was Paxton on Conan about ten/fifteen years ago. They put up a pic of him as Chet, and Paxton just goes off reciting his lines from that movie. It was fantastic. You could see the joy in his face as he said them.

Anthony Michael Hall is the glue of that movie. I also like how Hughes has his character pretty much spell out the climax of the movie in the very first scene.

Do you have something against the US government creating an elite group of little people soldiers?