The Porkchop Express

It was the Wayans brothers who did that.

Just wait until they figure out to merge office chairs with adult potty chairs.

They're just going to film it in front of a strip mall Gamestop next to the UPS Store and an empty store front where Radio Shack used to be.

I don't mind someone doing something because it gives them the money to provide and take chances elsewhere. But those films do poke holes in his attempts to diminish other comedians for not doing more intelligent humor.

Still, that's pretty damn impressive from my view point.

Did you do the one about how in movies and earthquake was just a cameraman with bad nerves? That's the only one that I can really remember.

Commander USA's Groovie Movies.

I bet the guy stopped wearing a watch because anytime he went to scratch his nose or cheek or something the band would get caught in his lobe.

Don't ships that carry over previously used names also take the registry numbers? TNG Enterprise was still 1701 with a D at the end.

That bit was the best thing about the whole trailer.

I don't disagree with you, but I'd just point out that 'realistic' and 'natural' doesn't translate into entertaining.

I work in academia. I've literally had conversations with a room full of PhD's without a one of them being able to grasp the simplest of concepts. They're experts in their fields, but fucking useless otherwise. Just this past Tuesday I had to have a meeting with a whole department to fix their mistakes.

I appreciate the experiment that it was, but it really wasn't that enjoyable of a film. It does kind of drive home the lesson that you do need some structure for a film for it to work. Unless your actors are veterans with a talent for improvisation, it's best to give them their dialogue and motivations up front.

I don't know. I got into a bit of an argument with a friend over it being real or not. He was convinced that it was because he saw a special about it on the Discovery Channel (they were still pretty educational back then). I told him, "I saw that too, and it was on Sci-Fi not Discovery."
"But that girl really is

No, but I hear that it will be included on the next Billy Bass.

Then, technically The Thing was another adaptation of the same source material (the short story 'Who Goes There?').

All the students at Cooley High will now be women.

They did a great job of providing Lucy and Ethel levels of physical humor.

Donnie Yen + Star Wars = Here's all my money.