The Porkchop Express

But how can you not be excited for a Star Wars movie with Donnie Yen?

This is not Endor. This is bowling. There are rules.

You dedication to this pun thread is admiral.

I think they all do a great job, which is why the film is so loved. I still love Aykroyd's classic comedy running off the fire poll when they get their first call. And then Ramis follows up with a very uncomfortable Egon trailing behind.

I've still got the DVD option too.

The Marvel movies (and a lot of movies in general) remind me of what I heard an old comic book artist say about comics when he was a kid. They were disposable entertainment: "You bought it off the rack, rolled it up, stuck it in your back pocket, rode your bike somewhere, read it, and then swapped it with friends."

Unfortunately, a lot of mine are in Pan and Scan.

The original hangs very heavily on the cast. Bill, Dan, and Harold had a lot of time working together before this movie, and it shows. They fall into their roles perfectly and that chemistry is what sells it. Peter giving Egon a candy bar as a reward. Egon backing away from Ray after he turns on the proton pack in the

I’m not a big Paul Feig fan in general…
(An all-female Ghostbusters directed by Edgar Wright, though? That I could get behind.)

One done pretty badly. But by that time Gene was out of the picture. His death had nothing to do with the episode being made. It was just a coincidence of timing. Now, DS9 did the better gay analogy. They figured out that it helps if it's two women.

Ronald D. Moore put it best by pointing out that the fandom of the 70's really changed how Gene felt about Trek and made him more protective about it and made it more pretentious.

In all fairness, it was George who was paying for and making those movies. So the only person who was really in any power to stop paying attention to his ideas was himself.

I don't know. Who do I look like? Zefram Cochrane? ………… The inventor of the Warp Drive?

It's okay. She's pretty resilient. She'll Lando her feet after this.

How is she any different from everyone else on the internet?

In reality, you're right. In the simplistic minds of the masses…

I don't think it's about how Roddenberry thought about gay characters as much as it is that he created a future without prejudices. Sulu was shown to be hetero in his interactions (though he wasn't bedding women left and right like Kirk). To make him gay now means that Sulu had been hiding his sexuality. The main

Not really. That was a prearranged marriage, and Spock had no trouble walking away from that one.

I think it has to do with the fact that Sulu was never portrayed as gay in the original series. As a matter of fact, there were a few times that some lady got the look from him. To make him gay now makes it look like Sulu was pretending and hiding which goes against the vision of a future humanity that has moved

That's a ridiculous statement. It's just that Apple IIe's are hard to lug around with you.