The Porkchop Express

Over-embellished Transylvanian accent: "Excuse me, but could you give us directions to Orion's neck?" *laugh track*

If they do it, then just need to say 'Fuck it' and go full steam ahead with the acid trip this show became. They're not only lost in space but in another reality where the laws of physics are in flux.

They have, but there wasn't enough money for two shows. So this Fall look forward to 'Small Belvedere'.

Their algorithms already tell them that this is something their subscribers want. Let's face it, the cool thing about Netflix is that you get to indulge in things that you probably wouldn't bother with on regular TV because you can easily choose to stop and move on to something else if you don't like it. The success

Wait… I've heard this somewhere before…

Or hetero.

Al Gore's more the robot. Palin's closer to a vibrating fuck doll.

It's not about whether or not she would have been disappointed. It's how many times she would have been disappointed that counts.

There are some good PDK adaptations out there. Everyone first points to 'Blade Runner', but that's really just Scott and company scrapping off some basic ideas from PDK and making their own thing of it. 'Screamers' (Second Variety) was a good one with Peter Weller. And, as you mentioned, 'A Scanner Darkly' was very

Could you imagine the mindfuck a Cronenberg/PDK movie would be? His draft of the film was dropped by the studio because it was too close to the source material. Hollywood prefers to turn PDK stuff into sci-fi action movies.

It's a movie with some good ideas of it's own that are never fully realized. Mostly, you can't give Speilberg a story where the main character doesn't learn his lesson and is willing to sacrifice himself to maintain the horrible institution of Pre-Crime.

Ever since I learned the Cronenberg had written a draft in anticipation of directing 'Total Recall' (We Can Remember It for You Wholesale), I've wanted to see his take on a PDK story.

Tintin was worth it just for the chase down the mountainside village. That's a shot you couldn't do in a live action movie even with CGI. But it mostly feels like the Speil's just playing with technology. Still, a decent film.

That girl could stick her hand in them like the mushrooms in Willy Wonka.

Every time I've seen something for this movie with it's title 'The BFG', my first thought is back to high school computer class and us playing Doom. BFG 9000!!!!

The commentary really seemed like two old friends reminiscing. Finding out that the dogs chasing Arnold weren't very well trained and were actually trying to attack him was surprising. The deleted scene where one got hold of his fur cloak and pulled him off the rock was kinda funny. "JOHN!!! GODDAMNIT!!!" Say it aloud

Milius's original plan was a trilogy about the sword. The first film was the forging of the sword (Conan). The second was supposed to be the utilization of the sword, and the third was the consequences of the sword. Dino kicked him out after the first movie.

I've always liked it, but then I always associate it with the film. Taking away the context, I can see where people might be confused by it.

It's clearly the greatest sword and sorcery movie ever. I would never compare it to LotR because high fantasy is a completely different beast.

It's the pussification of children that started in the 80's and 90's. My favorite animated film as a kid was The Secret of Nimh, and it was dark as all hell.