The Porkchop Express

In the third movie they'll introduce the even more deadly Gary Busey as another threat to the cast.

"You're breeding Nick Noltes?"

My friend has experienced the problem with Netflix losing streaming rights to his kids' favorite shows. It's to the point that he won't let our other friend whose daughter is the same age show them any kids shows on his tablet through his Amazon account to have to avoid the meltdown later after he leaves.

I figured that it was a nice two-fer. Bringing it back to Emmerich and referencing the Scientologist belief that science fiction is actually based off of memories of the ancient Xenu war.

Basically, Emmerich simply doesn’t like “people in capes,” because he
thinks it’s “silly” when a guy dresses up and flies around.
*Someone forces Emmerich to watch one of his own movies.*

I fear the civilization that gets our broadcasts of Two and a Half Men in the next few centuries.

What Angela Lansbury looks like now is jaw dropping.

He wasn't hiding. He was strategically napping.

Uhhh… you do know that aliens run of Apple OS's, right? Pfffttt! It's like you've never seen the documentary Independence Day.

That's the first time I saw it too. Though I was only about 8 at the time, it wasn't quite the animated movie that I wanted to see.

I've been rewatching a lot of Bakshi stuff lately because I wanted to see what exactly it was that didn't really sit well with me other than his overuse of rotoscoping later on. His stuff is okay, but beyond being the guy who pushed to make animation for adults, I don't see him as being as great as people say he is.

"Is someone going to pick me up and drive me to the set? My mom needs the Saturn to go to her doctor's appointment."

There was a race to grab onto the next trend. That's why Swing music and Ska kept getting pushed by the labels. They were trying to make that next big culture defining genre happen so that they could cash in. By the time they could squeak out another similar sounding band or a second album, the trend had been dead for

I just want to say that I think it's funny that of all the cinematic depictions of Spider-man, that it's the continuity where the billionaire makes his costume that it looks the most like a high school teenager made it himself.

Meet Godzilla?

Johnny fought NBC when they wanted him to drop that aspect of the show. Leno came into the job kissing the execs rings.

I think Johnny felt a responsibility to both his guests and audience. He'd search for the best comics, musicians, performers, whoever and then give them a chance to shine their best. It's sad that Leno, being a former stand-up, didn't continue Johnny's quest to find the next generation of comedy stars like Seinfeld or

Campbell, Goldblum, Jeffery Combs, and Clancy Brown.

Between Sam Axe and Michael Weston, only one of them looks like they're running from a massive explosion.

They played it off as if the Jedi tried to take power and take Palpatine prisoner. A bit quick, but they did give a reason for why people would have sided with the newly forming Empire over the Jedi.