The Porkchop Express

I think people forget that Lucas started all of this before 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Attack came out in '02, but that's after a year of post-production and CGI work. Lucas was still working off the politics of the 90's, hence Nute Gunray aka Newt Gingrich.

A friend and I were talking about that a while back. That and the fact that you can tell when an author gets so popular that editors are too afraid to say anything to keep their cash cow by how much thicker the books in a series gets as it goes on.

But if you don't kill off Maul in TPM, how can you introduce a new villain in AotC for the toyline?

He was surrounded by nothing but 'yes' men. I remember when the Special Editions were going to come out, a video of him talking with the ILM guys was on a LucasArts collection of games. "Well, since we're using the brontosaurus from Jurassic Park as the start of this creature, let's call it a 'ronto'." It was then

"Mostly poop humor with an annoying, CGI character that is also kind of a racist stereotype when you stop and think about it."

Well, Disney usually does like to have synergy across multiple platforms…

"I think the current cast and screw has got this."
He's wanting to be in the Disney Star Wars movies, not the porn parodies.

Disney also has a multimedia plan for Star Wars. Now Marvel can publish all these comics that fills in all those gaps like where 3PO's red arm comes from.

Luke shows Vader mercy. Luke unconditionally believed that Vader was redeemable and worth risking his own life to redeem him. A son throws away his weapon, rejects the Dark Side, and stands up against a much more powerful Sith Lord to spare his father's life. How is that not something that could redeem a man's lost

TFA may have taken the outline of ANH (but so did TPM), but it took risks on the characters. Most of Lucas's risks on the prequels weren't really that big. It was the quality of the work that makes people not like them. The characters are all just excuses for an expanding toy line. Not a single bit of time or effort

Richard Dreyfuss said that the only direction Lucas gave him on American Graffiti was to call cut and say, "You guys want to do that again?" Lucas is a great idea guy. It's just that other people do better with his ideas than he does.

It was just too long. I understand that it's essentially the chariot race from Ben Hur with a dash of Lucas's old custom car obsession from when he was a kid. That's fine. The pacing was just off, and I could have done without the two headed announcer. Kinda kills any tension needed for such a big scene.

The plot Lucas gave back during filming Empire (or maybe Return, I can't recall which) involved Obi Wan trying to find out who was murdering Jedi across the galaxy in the same detective fashion as Attack and finding out after talking to Anakin's wife that it was probably him. Still a better plot than what we got.

The Clone Wars cartoon does a much better job of making Anakin a sympathetic character and his turn more believable and tragic. Stars Wars seems to do much better story wise without Lucas than with.

Shows that Jango was a badass. I imagine that this was Lucas apologizing to fans for bitching out Boba in Return.

My friend's five year old daughter loves the 'romantic' scenes in Attack. Lucas wrote romance the way a five year old understands it.

"The nets were made of a very itchy fiber."

During the night we got split up. Two of us stayed at our original table by the main stage. The other two guys moved over to a side stage. Me and my friend began to discuss what we'll do next. He decided to go over to the other table and check with them. During their conversation, there was a change at he side table

I stand corrected.

Just use the internet. I'm sure you can find someone to help you with at least one of those things.