The Porkchop Express

He showed her A New Hope and gave up after that. She saw the others at a friend's house.

It depends. My friend started to show his daughter the movies. She didn't care for A New Hope but loves Return and Attack of the Clones (essentially, George Lucas wrote a love story that six year-old girls believe is how love works). Before remembering that she hadn't seen Empire, he spoiled the Vader/Luke-father/son

In another interview he said that he'd actually been up partying for two nights because he was going through his divorce from his first wife and that's the reason he gave and not his method. Olivier's response was then supposed to be about his destructive personal habit and not his acting. 40 years later who the fuck

If you look at Carpenter's work, especially the earlier stuff, there seems to be a theme of some things are just pure evil. Yeah, the cops murdered a bunch of gang members, but their response is one of just pure hatred and evil for any and everything in their path.

I love the old story about Hoffman staying up all night as part of his 'method' for the torture scene. When he told Olivier what he had done, Olivier replied, "Why not try acting? It much easier." Hoffman denies the story. But I prefer to think that it's true.

Watch 'The Nest' (or Nid de guêpes ). It's a French film from 2002 that was influenced by Assault and in turn influenced the remake. It's much better.

It's a shame that the Council of Nicaea decided to leave out the ping pong match on the mount.

They're suppositories.

They just don't work without the zany comedy. That's what made the show fun. They were blue collar and had to interact with the regular world making it different from the Addams Family who were aristocrats and had the regular world intrude on their world.

I think Geordi just leaned up against the vibrating warp core when he thought no one was looking.

I think he's one of those misogynists who's complaining that they cast broads on their channel.

Let's not forget that you had a bunch of kids hitting puberty on that ship.

Outside of Eddie Izzard, his Munsters reboot was a bit 'meh'. But Pushing Daisies was the shit!

You'll just be getting it from a source from the Federation where everything is free and no one knows what an IP is.

What made up my mind was an interview I saw with the scriptwriter. Originally, it was a serious movie. Reitman came in and talked to the guy about rewrites he wanted. "So you basically want Ghostbusters 3?" "Right!" I then remember Ghostbusters 2 and decided to let that one go.

I remember deliberately passing up Evolution.

His early stand-up had him talking about how the censors came down on him for using the word 'moron' in a skit because it was a medical term for someone with an IQ below 70. It's a good part of the reason he became a stand-up and not an show writer.

Orlando Jones. I laughed my ass off when I saw that he was playing serious in Sleepy Hollow.

Sasso was far and away the best performer. My old roommate and I still make Kenny Rogers Jackass jokes. It's such an oddity that you can't help but laugh. His Segal was so dead on point as well.

For all practical purposes… yes.