The Porkchop Express

The problem is that they've so far relied on old, tired and cliche comedy moments for the trailers. The crowd surfing gag was overdone by the early 90's. I think that overall they have a good cast. I'm just not certain that they've got a good script. The only bit that really stands out to me is Hemsworth being

This discussion reminded me of when Jurassic Park came out. A kid about 10 or so wrote a letter (before these heres intersnets) to Spielberg asking why he could buy the toys but couldn't watch the movie since it was PG-13. Hollywood is weird.

Purefoy cutting motherfuckers in twain!

This is good to hear. It looks like it might be a fun movie just from the trailers. I might just have to give it a go now.

Say what you will about the Henson designs (I think that they're rather good), but the first one at least understood the source material and found a good tonal balance between the comics and the cartoon series. Still, I'm pretty excited to see Beebop and Rockstead in the new sequel.

My friend had to do the same for his kid. The problem is that young kids are only secondary to this PG-13 movie franchise. They're aiming for people that are your and my ages with nostalgia for the property and a disposable income to waste on it.

Yes! This is exactly what I can't get all the assholes who didn't grow up watching the show or reading the comics and love Bay's splosionfest to understand when I tell them that I hate the movies. You're missing the fact that the robots were actually characters and the humans were the ones who were sidelined. Omitting

I was invited over to a friend's house to watch the third film, but I hadn't seen the second and was afraid that I'd be lost without all those important character developments that Michael Bay is known for from part 2.

I had people who I once called friends who loved that movie. They kept trying to convince me that it was good and began to hit the 'highlights' including the transformer with a cane bit. The more they spoke, the more I kept telling myself how I dodged a bullet by not watching that shit.

His science is too tight.

The seal for the state of Texas should just have the Latin translation for 'Don't Give a Fuck'.

Of all the unbelievable things in Mark Wahlberg movies (giant, transforming robots; evolved talking apes; a talking teddy bear), this is the second most unbelievable. The first being when he played a 35 year-old in Ted.

Hey, I started out mopping the floor just like you guys. But now… now I'm washing lettuce. Soon I'll be on fries; then the grill. In a year or two, I'll make assistant manager, and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.

Kinda the same with David Cross. "Hey, you're really funny and one of the best comedians working. Oh… you're also an insufferable ass."

I have to admit that I was surprised by how much he respected his parents. Seems to go against the punk grain, but the rest where he subtly tries to take credit for creating punk culture or saying that Sid only started to show his individuality when he let John dress him was just too much ego for me. I don't think

A friend of mine was a huge Lydon fan. I told him that I don't like Lydon at all. That he's always seemed like a self-absorbed asshole. He gave me Lydon's first autobiography as an attempt to change my mind. The whole book is about how everyone else is stupid while he's smart. Everyone else are conformists, but he's

Exactly. They can create their own motives for this film without having to tie into the video games while also still working within the same continuity of the franchise.

Just the simplicity of his scores fit the movies so well. And are damn memorable.

I'll have what she's having.

When Bill Cosby invites you up to his room for Jell-O?