The Porkchop Express

As well as just nonchalantly knocking back a piping hot cup of coffee like you were downing a beer.

When an old roomate of mine was getting his master's degree, one of the people he became friends in his department with was English. They were out at the bar one night when one of the women with them leaned over to my friend and asked, "Is he gay?"
"No. He's just British."
"Oh, okay."

I'll add that Impostor with Gary Sinise was good as well. You can see where they added in the padding to make it a full movie, but it was still pretty dead on point.

This 1000 times. If they'd stuck closer to 'A Princess of Mars' with only slightly and subtly adding in the White Martian stuff, it would have been much better. There was way too much work setting up the series than making a good movie. That said, the director really was a fan and loved the source material.

He's pretty much the master of the sci-fi short story. Those that I know also prefer them to his longer works.

Might have been a bit of that 'Ultimates' Stand-in for American Imperialism Cap slipping in.

Fuck it, subtlety. Let's go bowling.

The moment they made Cap anti-registration, I knew they were going for the gubment bad angle. This story was less about gun control and more about Bush and the War on Terror. Using Captain America to stand against the politicians for a more progressive stance is old hat for Marvel. But in the context of how it was

We were just talking about it last week in their thread about a guy hacking the signal in the 80's.

The best description of how Hollywood uses Levy was in a review for that movie he co-starred with Samuel L. Jackson where he was a witness or something in Jackson's custody. The line went something like: "When will Hollywood realize that Eugene Levy is more than bushy eyebrows?"

"If you were a clock, how would you wake me up?"
"I wouldn't. I'm no ding-a-ling."

I always imagine the original audience reactions in the theater to that opening.

They were used nudie mags. He probably thought that you were getting punishment enough whether you knew it or not.

My father just got cable so we wouldn't have to have the talk.

In Wayne's defense, he wanted to fight in WWII. He couldn't enlist because he was under contract. He was hoping to get drafted, but the studio convinced the War Department that he was necessary as a morale booster as a civilian movie star.

Actually, he did. The whole Voodoo queen thing was it. She even casts a spell on the band.

You've apparently never seen HBO's Taxi Cab Confessions.

Not if the show's on basic cable. They may just start blurring things anyway to seem more risque.

It's called grab fishing down here. And it's damn stupid. "I'm going to stick my hand down into this underwater log/hole and hoping that a fish and not a water moccasin lives in there."

"Sorry, kids; but this Physical Challenge is only for dad. And maybe mom if she's adventurous."