The Porkchop Express

"Those morons don't even have fishing poles."

I was wondering when somebody was going to get to that quote.

It's not different than any detective show or even the Mulder and Scully bits summing up cases on the X-Files. Maybe not have it all the way through, but as an opener to each episode.

It's kinda sad that no one will let Clancy Brown just do a nice guy role anymore.

And the short film he did. I think Thomas Jane did a fine job, there were just so many other mistakes made in his film.

He's wearing that because he's a padawan in training.

I don't think that he did it out of kindness as much as that dude would probably be the only one willing to take his calls.

The fourth wall breaking, bad puns, and silly gags are what made the show fun to watch. Haven't we had enough of the hero with a big ego type? Unless you're doing some truly brilliant stuff with it like 'Archer', it's old and worn out.

You must not know much about cats either. Otherwise you would know that people don't own cats. The cats just let you take care of them.

Didn't that Nazi guy just apologize at his trial? Shia could copy that.

The more important question is 'Why is the steering wheel on the left side of the car?'

Travolta's character may have only personally killed Frank's wife, but his gang killed the entire Castle family at their reunion.

The Knights stuff were mostly one or two issue stories. Maybe towards the end they got bigger, but most of them were short. The Wolverine cross-over was only two issues. The only linking bit of story through that run was Soap being the Punisher Task Force. Other than that, they were stand alones.

After that and The Wire, I hate Dominic West trying any American accent. His over-the-top performance in War Zone was the worst bit of that movie for me.

"This isn't an official Punisher comic book. I wrote and drew it myself. But I think it gets the essence of the character. Especially now that he's got his sidekick Norman who is every bit as badass and awesome as the Punisher. BTW, my name's Norman."

Casting a hottie for Jane was also a sign that they just didn't understand what they were adapting. I'm also pissed off about the car. They went through all that trouble to show him modding it just to junk it in one quick scene.

The Jane movie is such a mixed bag. You've got great moments like the torture scene with the popsicle and the fight with the Russian that are right from the books. Then you have shit like Travolta's character killing his whole family. Literally his entire family.

I saw an interview (maybe the Tonight Show) where he said that he went into a comic shop, picked up a bunch of Punisher comics, and went to check out. The guy working there knew that he'd been announced as the Punisher for the 2nd season of DD and told him, "Not those" and went and got him a bunch of different books.

Was that the studio or just the guy at the comic shop?

My point is that a revenge story is pretty finite. Not giving Batman and the Punisher an end game pushes them into that tireless crusade. Batman and Punisher are both obsessive with their fight against crime. I'd say Punisher even more so as he doesn't bother with a secret identity. That's in part because the actions