The Porkchop Express

The Punisher first showed up as a Spider-man villain. Frank Miller used him in his DD arc once the character started to gain in popularity.

I have it on good authority that Bernthal is okay with doing nudity.

Some of the cops like what the Punisher's doing. The show pointed that out. He'd doing what they can't because they're cops. So you have the same mix of for and against for the Punisher as you do for DD.

The adding of him being a loving father was the single best thing done to the character in quite some time.

They'll play with it like they did when he chained DD on the roof with the gun. The way that plays out in the comic is so much better, but it was DD's show after all.

No. That was the 'Welcome Back Frank' miniseries under the Marvel Knights imprint. It's what got the Punisher his own book again. After a couple of years under the Knights banner, they moved it to Max. Personally, I feel the move to Max and the requirement of six issue story arcs (to fit better in the trades) is where

He also just doesn't like superheroes. With the Punisher being the anti-superhero, it was the perfect book for him to work on at Marvel. You can tell when editorial pushed to crossover with the big books. "Hey, you need to do a story with Wolverine."

I generally don't like it when the add a connection like this to origin stories. Giving Frank a big bad to track down works against the entire aspect of it being a random and chaotic event that took his family. Like Batman he has to fight a much broader battle against 'crime' and not simply going out for revenge.

I work at a university and have a bunch of work studies in my office. Whenever I get caught up in the middle of one of their conversations about being afraid of somebody not liking them or getting a bad grade, I remind them that true adult fear is not knowing if your direct deposit will clear before your direct

Those first few seasons were dead on accurate. I remember episodes where they had to fight with the insurance company while Darlene was in the hospital, struggling to buy groceries to feed the family, and having to deal with horrible work conditions because you're afraid of losing the income. That's shit my family

It wasn't their car. I can't remember the plot point that got them it, but they were going to the beach because they had the car (from Kelly's boyfriend or something). It was a 3rd gen. Mustang if I recall correctly.

When I was in 4th grade, 'Smokey Bear' spoke at a school assembly. As all the students are lined up in the hall, heading back to class, one of the teachers opens the door to the Teacher's Lounge to get something. There's the guy in the Smokey costume, taking the head off. It's the south, in August, in a mid 1980's

If you do that, you'll have to explain buying all that candy for an imaginary daughter.

I remember first seeing it before Superman II. So I always associated it with the fight scene in Metropolis against Zod and his cronies. So… yeah, I was always jazzed when I saw it.

It's one catchy damn tune.

I miss the 80's 'Feature Presentation' intro. The fly-by of the model neighborhood, up into space, and finally into the 'O' of HBO all while the music builds. Da—-da—-da-da-da!

But… you just said that you had to pay for it.

Is the meta joke here that the cast consists of corpses playing living people?

The eco warning just doesn't work for me. Why should aliens give a crap if we kill ourselves through pollution? These aliens possess technology that is near magical in the film. With all the shit they can do, they can't filter out pollutants after we're dead? The original film had a much more fitting message. "You

Like with Constantine I can't blame the crappiness of that movie on Keanu. There were bigger decisions there that made that movie terrible. You're probably right. Casting him was the best decision they made.