The Porkchop Express

That's enough horsing around.

How about opening the front door to find the dead mouse that Keanu left there for you to find?


Keanu, like Nic Cage, is one of those guys who needs the right role to shine. Generally, it's a guy who's clueless like Ted or Neo in the first Matrix. John Wick was a different motherfucker that I had no idea was in Keanu, but I'm glad he was.

The 80's were a different time.

I don't know if I can blame Keanu for Constantine or not. It was terrible, but he's not the one that chose to neuter the material. I'm just glad that he didn't try a British accent again.

I remember seeing a interview video of him a few years back when talk of Bill & Ted 3 started getting heavy. It was outside at some cafe or something. He was making jokes about Werner Herzog directing it and using a German accent for a decent impersonation. It was pretty damn funny.

Most likely this was the reason. They were being courted by every label. Their egos were probably already over inflated. Being able to treat the woman who's trying to sign them like shit with no repercussions just adds fuel to the fire.

It's why I keep my Facebook stuff to just close friends and relatives and pretty much ignore the stuff in my feed that is from any replies they made anywhere else but their wall or mine.

It does come from a plant.

In all honesty, I never expected Lars Ulrich to be tall.

But if they sell it as a TV show, eventually David Spade will get cast.

When I watched it at home, I was pissed that I didn't get a chance to see it in 3D in the theater. It seemed like it figured out how to do it without just being a 'throw things at the screen' gimmick.

A bj.

It was in a constant loop on HBO in the 80's. I can't tell you how many times my brother and I saw that movie.

Fair is fair.

Plus, it keeps your victims from running away.

Can't we just be happy that it's not Clara?

I like this for the same reason that I like Survivor Man with Les Stroud. It's real and there's no camera crew to help out. They could try something that, according to all the books and training, should work but doesn't simply because in the real world there are way too many variables to always have a single outcome.

Yeah. It's amazing how quickly it's setting in. The guy who boasted the most got out of there before sundown the first day.