The Porkchop Express

I love how they just completely stopped following the Captain's order to remove the guy from the bridge (which is terribly easy to access considering that it's the central command station for the whole ship) so that they can watch the Romulan on the big screen.

I think the lack of a password protection system on those programs and a door lock function keeps that kind of thing down to just the most unbearably horny crew members.

It wasn't until IV that the concept of a moneyless society was ever even mentioned in the TOS era. In the Search for Spock, McCoy was trying to hire a ship to take him to Genesis. That may well be in your link. I didn't click on it. Just had to vent that bit. Rodenberry's reimagined Trek for the 80's on kinda pisses

When he was on 'The Surreal Life' my roommate and I were astounded at how together Coulier was. Everyone else was pretty much a train wreck but him. Same thing with Eric Estrada.

So did I. It wasn't until this interview that I realized that he was from Michigan and not Canada.

Shocked or disappointed?

When FH first came on, I remember watching because 'Dave from Out of Control is on it'. I also remember thinking of Stamos as 'That guy who played Jack Klugman's estranged son'. Odd thing was that the Klugman show also had Stamos playing drums for the Beach Boys for no real damned reason.

I'd shill for Michael Vicks' puppy farm.

Can I stop waiting and start doing the shilling right now? I really want to get to the 'cashing the check' part of this whole thing as soon as possible.

If he tells dirty jokes, we can call him Predd Foxx.

Aren't they working on allowing PC mods to run on XBox One?

I think those were more the reactions to the situation than the cause.

Funny story. When I was a kid, we went on a road trip. Everything was nice and calm until trash just started pouring out of the top of this Nissan in front of us on the highway. Paper stuck to the windshield and blinded my father. We ran off the highway and into a ditch. Both my parents died on impact. Long story

Context is so important for these films. A friend finally watched Alien a few years back after we kept saying how good it was. His response was "I didn't care for it. It's just like every other movie like that." We had to explain that was because all the other movies he saw were copying Alien.

My uncle say it in the theater when it first came out. He said that it made people nauseous because they weren't used to seeing anything like that at the time.

It's San Fran in the late 60's. No way to say that it's the same one.

My father and I visited the Grand Canyon. We did the drive along the southern half, stopping at all the little points, and took pictures. I also think that we were the only Americans there. As we were driving away, my dad said, "Everyone should see the Grand Canyon. It's amazing. But once you have, that's it. You're

I still think Master P only did that shit so that he could have his brother's birthday on Nitro.

The greatest thing about that whole Master P thing is that the audience never got behind the faces. They were singing "I Hate Rap" with the Rednecks.

They never should have made him drop the mask. He looked like a little kid without it.