The Porkchop Express

Around '99 or so WCW did a Nitro in Biloxi. Some friends and I drove down for it and decided to hit the casino after the show. Turns out that we wound up in the same casino/hotel that WCW had put the wrestler up in. We saw Henning at the bar. He hadn't been on TV in a while and wasn't on that night's show. He seemed

GI Bro was actually Booker's first ring name and gimmick.

I watched a little Mid South as a kid. (Hell, with UHF if it was overcast, we'd watch wrestling out of OK & TX) But I mostly grew up watching CWA out of Memphis, which was Jerry 'The King' Lawler's promotion. It was a jewel in the NWA crown back then. My first ever live show main event was Lawler vs. 'Ravishing' Rick

I grew up just south of Memphis. When Vince took WWE nation wide, it was amazing to see all the wrestlers that had passed through that territory on national TV.

I like Smiley as well. He was a comic character, but at least he sold it. He embraced the shit out of the craziness of it all. It didn't hurt that he was a good worker.

I think that the tiny amount of fame she gained was due to Hulkamaniacs enjoying the fact that they can be sexually aroused by Hogan's facial features without the baggage of their homophobic guilt.

I prefer the HBO movie from the 90's 'The Tuskegee Airmen' that also, funnily enough, had Cuba Gooding Jr.

I have Netflix and Prime. Prime's pretty much paid for it by itself with as much as I've saved in shipping. I have no qualms about ordering something that's only a couple of bucks by itself since I'll no longer pay more in shipping than what it's worth. The main reason I stay away from music streaming services is

"David Bowie is dead. Could Obama have prevented it?"

It probably has more to do with the fact that, after a decade or so, they're going to have done everything they can or are willing to do to the characters. Unless Marge leaves Homer and doesn't get back together with him at the end of the episode, all they're doing is retreading the same ground over and over again

And then you can look forward to them bullshitting you every time you come over about how just the other day they pulled that record off the shelf and listened to it.

This generation is growing up digital. It's what they've always used and what they'll continue to use. As the younger crowd gains more control in Hollywood, film is going to be pushed out more and more.

The great fun of film school was loading a film magazine on set in a big bag with holes in it to stick your hands through and not look like some kind of schmuck to all the people on set who aren't film students and have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

That $50 to $70 price tag is for developing and creating a digital copy. If someone is hipster enough to use Super8, I doubt that they'd 'ruin' the process by going digital. Still, unless prices have risen significantly (which is possible if fewer developing houses exist/process anything less than 35mm), 16 mm would

No, this is older than that; but I am interested in the Reeves doc. I've heard good things about it. This one concentrates a lot on the rise of the Red digital camera and computer audio mixing software. So you get interviews not only from people in the film/TV industry, but also the music.
Which just made me remember

There's a good documentary, the name of which I can't recall right now, about the rise of digital media. While it allows more people the opportunity to express themselves creatively, the massive amount of material that is now available to audiences also diminishes the chance for the truly creative people of getting

The executives have lost focus.

"Once you dilute a potential poison in a large water supply, it's not going to be very effective"

Having had the experience of editing with film and digitally, there is something about the tactile manipulation of your film that gives it a sense of being 'real' compared to editing on a computer. Yes, digital editing is easier (my God is it so much easier); but actually touching film gives you a different

But what if a jellyfish stung you there?