The Porkchop Express

I think pretty much everyone knows what bands in the 70's were like. And I agree with you. I was just pointing out that it was the sober guys who were making the bad decisions and not the fucked up ones.

He was raped by Jabber Jaws at summer camp.

Could you repeat that, sir?

I remember reading an interview with Simmons where he mentions filming that movie. He said that he and Stanley were getting furious because Criss and Frehley were getting wasted while they were busy learning lines. When they confronted Criss and Frehley about showing up not knowing lines and drunk/high, Ace just

'King Solomon's Mines' is like that. While making the effort to show the African people capable of being noble and brave, they're still depicted as inferior to the British white man.

Don't forget their robot army.

I'll agree with that. I was watching it for Urban. Dude's got geek cred like no other, so I wanted to like the show. It seemed to have some good ideas but didn't really know how to execute them.

And all the Imperial Tie pilots were in black armor. Doing drive-bys I guess. Fucking racist Star Wars.

What's a 'nubian'?

It really was a matter of…

'Adult' board games like this run upwards of $40 depending on the set up. A lot of work go into these kinds of a games creating different scenarios and such to keep game play varied.

You have to buy your own dice for this game? What a rip off!

Data is incapable of love. And humanity is incapable of loving Joe Piscopo.

I'm more inclined to believe that they'll be people listening to the Beastie Boys than I do One Direction or Lady Gaga. Like real history, the good stuff will be around forever (especially since we have actual recordings of it) while everything else will fade with time.

He was underutilized in the last film. But Urban is 100% dead on with his portrayal.

I like Pine's take as far as it fitting the new continuity. He's all Kirk swagger without the discipline. Now, we can debate on whether that is a good version of the character to use or not; but he's giving the team responsible for the reboot what they wanted.

Well, starships are pretty much obsolete since you can use transporters to send people across the universe in the rebooted continuity. Also, people will no longer die due to Khan blood.

Or some salty ham.

As much as I hate defending anything with Michael Bay's name on it these days, I think that's kinda the point. They live in a sewer and are still trying to look cool like your average teenagers.