The Porkchop Express

Tell him that I love his chocolate.

WoK does a great job of making you understand that those characters have history and a deep connection to one another. Seeing Kirk lose his best friend means something then. Also, the bagpipe playing really hits it home. There's something primal about some songs. A co-workers mother was in the Women's Army Corp.

I think the biggest dumbing down of Kirk is having him just kick the Enterprise's engines or warp core or whatever the fuck it was into place. Why not just give him a goddamn bone club while you're at it.

I try and avoid spoilers as well. They seem to take away all the fun of watching the story unfold before you. It'd be like reading the end of a mystery novel and then starting at the beginning. What's the point?

How about a Star Wars movie without a racist stereotype?

The writing is pretty shitty. The constant "Hey, we're best friends" dialogue from Pine and Quinto were horrendous. The script was so terrible that it couldn't just show us that Kirk and Spock were friends. It had to constantly remind us because what we saw seemed to say otherwise.

Years ago a friend who had never watched any of the old Trek had started watching the old show and wanted to start with the movies. We told her to skip the first and just start with Wrath of Khan. She was so pissed with us because we didn't warn her that Spock died at the end of it. We reassured her by pointing out

I remember everyone telling me how awesome his 'Long Halloween' book was. Reading it I knew that Harvey's wife was the killer. Even after they arrested Dent and put him in jail for those murders, I still knew it was her; so the 'big reveal' was fell flat. Same with his 'Hush' run. Hush, this brand new villain who

'The Room' didn't have the distribution of STID.

People will pay to watch disasters. Just read Crush, TX's Wikipedia page.

It's a very large, overly designed tank that makes a lot of noise and big explosions that you don't realize until much, much later never actually did anything.

My biggest gripe about the rebooted Star Trek (outside of its weak scripts and lack of the basic heart and premise of the franchise) is that they sure as hell spent a lot of time and effort referencing old Trek for something that was supposed to be more mainstream and audience friendly. The Khan reveal is the biggest

I think the unspoken truth about TNG society is that it was stagnant and out of ideas and creativity. That's why everyone was playing dime novel detectives and Shakespeare characters in the holodeck.

So… Halo for the rest of the population.

I guess 'grinding session' will have a different context.

Or he was just making shit up to sound more impressive without understanding what he was talking about.

Hence my, so far, unpicked up pitch for Shooter McGavin in Space.

Plus the fact that a scientist is probably going to choose a ship built for scientific research in multiple fields.

Replicators and holodecks are the real reason why STNG society is complete fiction. Everyone's still going to work because they want to instead of just having food and clothes magically appear and play immersive WOW all the time.

I always wondered why our advanced future societies networked everything together. "Okay, now plug in the security console." "Security? But this is the replicator? Why does the replicator have to have access to our ship-wide security systems?" "Less questions, more networking, Ensign!"