The Porkchop Express

I hadn't gotten down that far. Sorry. Looks like I put the cart before the Horus on my replying.

This apology just Sphinx of pandering.

Way to derail the thread, guys.

What are you talking about? All the movies I grew up watching as a kid were about trade negotiations, embargoes, and Senate resolutions.

Sounds like someone needs to inform him of the fact that he's TIMOTHY DALTON!!!

The only thing I liked about that whole bit was that we finally got to see the Yoda we were first introduced to in Empire. The impish, light hearted Yoda. Not the insufferable grouch that he'd been up to that point in the prequels.

I think Jar Jar may have worked if he spoke in a language that we the audience couldn't understand and needed the other characters to translate it for us like Chewie or R2. I'm sure that if we could understand R2's beeps and boops, that we'd hate him. After all he mostly just goes around doing whatever he wants

A pair of alligator shoes does sound nice.

Sci-fi likes its simplistic tropes. Like a race that inhabits a whole planet having only one language/culture and little to no variety in either of them or the ethnicity of that race.

We had it taped off of HBO when I was a kid. Wore that VHS tape out by watching it at least once a month.

Also, seeing a whole bunch of Jedi in a gigantic fuck-all fight lessens the horribleness of Clones' terrible narratives.

McGregor did a dead on Guiness. Pretty much made me like the guy even more for making that bridge from the prequels to the original work.

I find that to be a weak argument. If it held any water, people wouldn't watch adaptations of their favorite books. It's about how it's done that captures your interest.

Saying that ToD is the weakest of the Indy movies (before Crystal Skull) is like complaining about a brick of gold being the least valuable one in the vault. "Yeah, there was a problem in the smelting process. So this bar off by two or three ounces."

"Have you seen the new T-17?"

If you've ever seen Lucas with his team, you'd see that they're pretty much just yes men. He just throws out stupid ideas, and no one has the balls to say anything.

Sooooooooooo….. a bakery?

*Raises hand*
This… 'sex'… Where does one acquire it?

If necessary, we can take care of that. I wouldn't want you posting bad information on the internet, after all.

Not really. White guys had been playing Asian characters in movies since the silent era.