The Porkchop Express

A little bit of sightseeing. Taking some selfies at the Tower of London. Then something light to eat in the early afternoon.

I do kind of love shit movies like this. I don't really want to see them in the theaters, but I get a bit of a nostalgia trip watching them on Netflix or cable. I grew up a sci-fi/fantasy fan in the 80's, so I'm pretty used to bad films as long as they're fun.

Yeah, that seems to be the go to. "It's ancient Rome, so they all must have British accents." I wonder if a production like that would be fucked up if just one person decided to just try and use an appropriate accent.

Hey, the trailer didn't show ALL of the movie.

*Ganesha rides to the ring on a motorcycle.*

Especially the flame thrower.

I agree. They're both funny but at least Spaceballs completely nails Lucas's obsession with licensing his creation for money and the silliness of the Star Wars universe (which I think is what this writer is confusing for family friendly).

Way to go, AV Club. You've done the impossible: make people on the internet angry through change.

No. He took money from fetal stem cell research and moved it over to research that used adult stem cells, which actually showed more promise.

Don't apologize. Watch 'Spaced'. It's damn brilliant.

I just watched this again last week. It's so perfectly 80's. Violence, nudity, and a completely impossible weapon.

AV Club
Just some weird kid running around with a plastic swastika.

"Yeah, the one with the boat."
That movie would be completely unwatchable without Dawson.

It's a lot of decent fantasy ideas that never get fully realized. The bits where they kill the blind guy and replace him as well as the spider-lady fortress were really cool.

Or something like 'Star Wars' which was already a sci-fi/fantasy mash-up.

What about Ewoks? They were rubbish. You don't complain about them.

Damn! Beat me to it. It's one of those things where you rewatch something and notice a pre-fame actor in an early role. "He's still a cop!"

I remember Belzer talking about a robber ran around a corner onto their set and gave himself up when he saw all the police cars and uniforms during his last HBO stand-up special. The real cops caught up to him before he could realize that it was a TV show.

'My Big Fat Lobot Wedding'