The Porkchop Express

'Lobot and the Real Girl' for some indy appeal.

Pfftt. Had nothing on that one the Emperor was tossed down.

That was Family Guy.

My favorite is the Ponda Baba being an architect whose friend coaxed him out for a drink.
Runner up is the lawyer sueing Jedi for injuring people.

Would it be a '9 1/2 Weeks' for droids?

Is that like Mr. Belvedere but in space?

My college roommate and I found a Japanese version at the local video store that had a whole bunch of Japanese masked wrestlers added to the roster. If we could have found it to buy, we would have because we rented it enough to pay for our own copy.

My grandfather was old school in his living habits. He was in bed by 8:30/9 at the latest and up with the sun. Except for Saturday nights. Saturday night was Hunter night. I never figured that shit out.

The fact that they make an effort to show Native American culture in an honest way really stands out. The way they made Longmire and Mathias start working together and even showing respect for one another after so many years was cool. And showing that Nighthorse does actually care about the res and its people despite

Upvoted for the 'Airplane' reference.

Longmire is a fun, modern day western. The characters and setting are what make the show good to watch. The crimes aren't that interesting most of the times. It's the people you have to go through to find out why it happened.

Is that due to the fear of being mauled?

It's voted on by people within the industry. Therefore, the Oscars are kind of seen as their peers giving them an attaboy. Fact is that a lot of the people who vote are usually too busy making films for a living (a lot of them are the technical people like camera men, art directors, etc.) to actually watch the movies

But it's the album that brought Huey Lewis and the News to fame.

It's pretty funny. It's not where Bob & David wanted it to be, but it's still pretty damn good. If you've got the DVD, there's a 3 Times 1 Minus 1 music video as a bonus.

Snooker's not too popular here in the US, but I loved those bits. Those characters translate very well even if the particular event they're covering doesn't.

Oh, and the Surprising Adventures of Sir Digby Chicken Caesar.

The Hennimore sketches are just so fantastic in their breaking down of the common sitcom trope and making it more and more absurd each time.

I really like the New Fuhrer sketch. The absolute naive look on Mitchell's face as he pulls out his notebook of ideas…

I can only take people being out and out bastards for so long. I prefer their sketch comedy.