The Porkchop Express

I think the best way to explain it is that you have to know and understand the rules before you can break them. If you understand why something is a rule, what it accomplishes, it gives you the ability to think around it, break it, and not damage your film by ridding yourself of something that was needed.

'Assault on Precint 13 in Space' then. Fuck it. He was having a good time like with 'Body Bags'. It's a fun romp even if it isn't up to the level of his other work. At least it's not 'Blue Brothers 2000'.

No. It's in 'The Thing' when they turn around to see that the head has sprouted legs and is walking off. "You gotta be fucking kidding."

'Ghost of Mars' seems more like Dead Space than 'The Thing'.

It's not my favorite of his, but it's still a really good film. I think Carpenter is really good at creating the sense of isolation.

"Sorry about your balls!"
Damn I love this film. It's one of the reasons my friend's wife won't watch movies with us anymore.

Or it needs a lot of cursing. I remember that being a draw for 'Of Mice & Men'.

It's at best a thriller. Most of the movie is about teen popularity and bullying culture. The superpowers are just a gimmick. Remove them, and he just walks into the school with a gun instead of the city-wide super fight.

Yeah. About 30 years later I can still see those giant puppet hands breaking through the windows and killing the parents. Can't remember what the name was, but I can't forget the general premise. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that using stories like that to scare your children into compliance or even to

I tried. She just kept shushing me.

My uncle told me about watching 'Bullitt' on the big screen when it originally came out in the late 60's. He said the chase scene through the hills of SF made most people in the audience nauseous. No one was used to that style of filmmaking.

Chronicle was found footage and not horror. More of a coming of age drama with super powers.

I was hoping someone would bring up Eisenstein. For all its faults, Soviet Russia was the first place to start film schools as they saw the power the medium had to influence popular perception.

Gozer's appearance wasn't supposed to be menacing. Its about godlike power in such an unfrightening form. Much like the Stay-Puft giant. It's a comedy.

I've been in bars like that myself.

The single most psyche scarring made for kids thing I ever saw in my life was James Flora's 'Grandpa's Ghost Stories'. And I loved it.

I remember one about bus safety that had all the kids jumping around, throwing things. In the middle of all that is one kid with the most devilish grin I'd ever seen walking around with what looked like a stick of dynamite with a long fuse burning. The next shot is from the outside of the moving bus where a big cloud

That movie is a psychedelic fairy tale. That scene is the bad trip part.

"I've got my cake!"

I think the Christmas one with the parents screwing with the kids about the monster who comes to kill anyone who mentions its name was a pretty good episode too.