The Porkchop Express

Or Leslie Nielsen buried in sand.

You could have stopped at "You just described Michael Bay".

It's IFC, an American cable channel. So it's probably due to the legal consequences of that why it's not open for foreign viewing.

They had some good stories, but it was very low budget. It was just the beginning of syndicated shows filling up holes in programming schedules, so they couldn't really dump too much money into those things.

Not saying that his were the only ones that sucked. I don't recall most people being too fond of Moore's run as Bond either. I just think that the series was kinda lost at that point. During Moore's tenure the production company at least seemed to know where they wanted the brand to go: campy.

Yeah. His portrayl of Bond was good. It's the scripts that sucked.

Creepshow is King's and Romero's love letter to the old horror comics of the late 40's/early 50's. Especially EC. It's meant to be as over the top visually as well as tonally as those books were. The segment with King is the prime example of that. He didn't have to be even a decent actor. He just had to be a comic

No shit. It's like they've got him stuffed in a freezer somewhere and only thaw him out every few years for a month or so.

I remember getting the Game Genie a year or two later thinking that I'd finally be able to finish that game. They didn't even bother adding Fester's Quest to the games you could use with it.

Jesus, I thought that the Gilligan's Island game was just a horrible fever dream. They were making games out of anything with name recognition. I remember a terrible Knight Rider and Airwolf years after they were cancelled.
The funny thing about Fester's Quest is the decision to go with aliens. It's a damn show about

We didn't have a lot of money when I was growing up, so one of my mother's go-to plans was to hit the stores after Christmas for any clearances or returns deals. There wasn't much left in the video games section. Fester's Quest (she knew I was a fan of the Addams Family and the Munsters) and Iago were the only two

Those damn sewer mazes were horrible. I didn't find the game hard as much as just being impossibly long an repetitive. Some of those boss battles did suck dick though.

Whale passed on Son. Frankenstein and Bride were his two movies in the franchise.

That's not how you use a razor.

Narratively they're the same. Visually…

Even though it was introduced as a hunk of junk, styling of the cars back then were a shitload better than the 80's 'boxes on wheels' look.

The franchise works because of the cast being at their peaks more so than anything else. The scripts are pretty straight forward and don't themselves rise above average. 'Dickless' himself is just an afterthought thrown in to fuck everything up in the last 15 minutes. 2 was just a rehash with a little rejiggering to

No, it was before the movie. This was one of the first games that my mother bought me when I first got my NES. The thing that pissed me off the most about it was that there was no way to save the game. It was just too much of a slog to beat it in one sitting.

No. He rolled his own cigarette. He's in bed with hipster tobacco.

You, sir, win the internet for the day.