The Porkchop Express

You know the Nazis had lens flares that they made the Jews use in their movies.

I want a 'Home Improvement' transition where the whole screen looks like it cracks and then just falls off the screen revealing the next scene.

The way the fanboy in me makes all six movies work is that it's obvious that the Order's uber strict Light vs. Dark theology and the attempt to eliminate emotions turned out wrong and maybe was the reason some turned to the Dark Side (Anakin and Dooku). Luke embraces both the spiritual and emotional aspects of the

I think people can accept the story they didn't want if that story is done well. The prequels weren't. Lucas was more interested in the technology used to make the films than the actual films themselves. It's sad, really. At one time he was truly passionate about films even if he wasn't that great of a filmmaker.

I saw an earlier article where it said otherwise, but that's most likely just do to it being on the internet and fucking up the facts because they weren't paying attention when they did their summary of a real article.

Good. Good.

Well hello, Mr. Fancy Robes.

No, Hamill recorded it new. They had to use some of the ROJ audio because he kept saying 'My father had it' instead of 'has it' like they wanted.

The "I'm contractually obligated to be here" look on Harrison Ford's face is priceless.

And the CGI Harvey Korman pouring drinks down the hole in the top of his head.

Luke was a Force Ghost the whole time.

Baldness is the path to the Dark Side. Baldness leads to comb overs. Comb overs lead to toupees. Toupees lead to suffering.

I think that Hamill and Kershner were the only two people on set who knew what the real line was.

Yeah, but he was under the impression that he was going to be the Clock.


Prowse seems to have a history with being replaced. He had no idea that JEJ was dubbing Vader's voice. He had no idea that Shaw was going to be under the helmet for ROJ. He thought that he was going to be Superman but wound up just being Reeves's trainer. But apparently all those decisions were based on the fact that

You bastards! Everyone knows that Yoda had a stroke about 30 years before the prequels that he never fully recovered from. Now you assholes are making fun of his speech impediment.

I think the great irony of George Lucas's life is that he refused to take over his father's business to instead be an artist whose only responsibility was to his art only to have that art turn into a billion dollar company that he was responsible for feeding (hence the need for kid and merchandise friendly characters,

My own fan explain-away is that midichlorians are attracted to the strong flow of the Force like metal shavings to a magnetic field. I can understand Lucas getting freaked out over the whole "Jedi as a religion" thing that was going on at the time; but don't fuck with the Force, man.

It's not like these bandage heads in the Tatooine desert trying to find reverse on a Jawa sandcrawler. The Jedi in the beige robes. Worthy fucking adversary.