The Porkchop Express

It's less of a law and more of a rule of thumb for cable. Advertisers aren't going to spend money on a channel that might be too 'offensive' to their customers.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Both men were very good at what they did. Eventually, they were going to come to loggerheads.

I'm surprised that role wasn't brought up in the interview. I'd think that he'd of been happier to talk about getting murdered by one of Hollywood's legends than his family fare from the 90's.

They've been talking about it for a while. A friend of mine from the UK went to a festival where Guttenberg was speaking maybe about ten years ago. He talked up the franchise and said he'd like to direct a sequel/reboot (he was apparently concentrating on directing at the time). Someone asked him if he'd star in it.

"Getting comics out in a timely manner takes precedence over artistic consistency and high-quality visual storytelling."

I think a lot of it had to do with the landscape of basic cable in the 80's and early 90's. They were transforming into the networks they are now, but were mostly buying up international and syndicated shows on the cheap before being able to afford original programming. That original programming had to be different to

Early 90's MTV was so experimental and cutting edge. It's sad to see how it keeps trying to be relevant but is just watered down and exploitative. Liquid Television was one of the greatest things ever put on TV. I loved watching that show.

You should have colored in the skies of the Richie Rich comics red.

You'd think that a trillionaire would have a bathroom.

Maybe you should just rent the child for when you need it.

That's okay. I'm sure you can get Kevin Pollak to do an impression of him for you.

I can only pay… say… a dollar.

"Jesus! What are those? Bees? What the hell do you plan to accomplish with two bees?"
"A distraction while I reach for my 1911." *BANG!*

I would actually buy a proper DCU Aquaman comic book if that was the personality that they used.

I co-worker of a friend of mine loved the show. He began to tell me why and it made sense. This dude lived out in the sticks in a trailer and was pretty white trash. SB's uses a lot of white trash 'culture' for its ideas including NASCAR and a bunch of other shit that I don't care about.

I was talking about 'North', jerk.

Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.

All I wanted was an entire movie of that flashback scene of the group of Predators on top of the pyramid surrounded by and fighting a horde of Aliens. Instead I get a director who never learned how to shoot/edit a coherent fight scene.

I assume the judge gave her everything in the divorce. (If that woman stuck with you after that, you nabbed a good one.)

Thanos doesn't have that receding hairline.