The Porkchop Express

I always found that he was more interested in the science and technology than characters. I think it was in Congo where he had an almost two page description of how a high tech communication device worked. It was more space than he ever gave to the characters.

My thoughts exactly. It was a PG-13 film. In the 90's that meant more than it does now. They wanted to snag that disposable teenage money for tickets and then get the under 13 crowd with the toys.

Either way, someone's face was going to wind up sticky.

Remove Jami Gertz from the movie, and it's about how Keifer Sutherland is trying to get into Jason Patrick's pants.

The guy who cut your hair enjoyed it too.

"the part about the boring office aspect of spycraft supporting the
flashy adventures of the main spy —- just makes it more intriguing; I
don't know if any other spy movie really looks into that."

An important context for Morrison's interpretation is that he's done a shitload of drugs.

Yes, I do prefer my Daffy Duck to be…. well… daffy. I never really liked Chuck Jones's asshole portrayal of him. I get it that you can't have two Bugs Bunnies, and there were some good cartoons with him in that mold. That said, 'The Great Piggy Bank Robbery' is one of my favorite cartoons of all time.

I give the Road Runner a pass because Wiley was trying to kill him every damn cartoon. But I did sympathize for the ole coyote. Especially when they'd show that he wasn't just hungry but starving.

There were several Tom & Jerry cartoons where Jerry was just straight up being a dick.

You would think that with pretty much the entirety of human knowledge at their fingertips, the PC crowd would be able to find out why shouting about the 'Master Race' all over the internet might not be a good idea.

You laugh now, but when it shows up on NBC's fall schedule…

Rodriguez is a guy who strikes me as genuinely liking film and experimenting. His moving into kids' fair made him a better director in my view. He's having fun making fun movies. Technology has improved and cheapened to allow him to be more over the top through the years is all.

A lot of the problem with Spidey 3 was Sony. His other films were comic books on screen, which is what I like about him. I'll even say that I like the Peter dancing bit. The Venom suit was bring out his dark side. Peter is a hero and nerd at heart. That's his dark side. That's what he thinks being cool is. It's

I say that it doesn't succeed. I get that the whole cooking angle is a stand in for filmmaking. He wants to be cutting edge like he used to be but is hampered by the money man and the critics. While the concept of the food truck and cross country drive is interesting, the film itself is the same bland, paint by

Go Fuck Yourself, Internet! I don't know which is worse. The people who made this piece of shit or anyone (hello, AV Club) who reposts it.

At night a second unit of actors, director, and film crew would film the Spanish language version of Dracula on the same sets. It's said that the Spanish version is acutely better artistically.

It didn't. Spielberg just went back and replaced all of the Nazis' guns with walkie talkies.

I rented the Nintendo console version once. The game was sold with an atlas, but it wasn't lent out with the rental. I had to use the 15 year old encyclopedias we had. Everything was ok until it came to Africa. Damn that continent and its ever changing political climate.

On the flip side if I ever buy a helicopter, I know which manufacturer I'm getting it from.