The Porkchop Express

Don't forget the racism.

So all those stuck up assholes I knew in film school who kept talking about Godard weren't making pieces of shit films devoid of talent or technical understanding. We just mistook their genius for terrible film making.

Wasteland punks driving Saabs.

And those cars… those things aren't safe. You want something with a good bumper in case of an accident. And air bags.

I was going to see this movie anyway. When the trailer showed that guy, I knew that I was going opening weekend.

Well, there was that bit when they got on motorcycles.

The giant cowbell car was edited out due to time constraints.

Ve vant the Infinity Gem, Quill. His girlfriend gave up her toe.

Not shit. Energy!

Whovian also has the death sentence in twelve systems.

Vigalondo deserves this for being so stupid as to stamp a trademarked character all over his pitch material and even mentioning it in public. There's also the fact that Timecrimes is wholly overrated. It's not as clever as you think it is, Nacho.

It fits really well. Godzilla has radioactive breath, and the kid looks like he's gone through chemo.

Tyler Perry's Medea Max

Netflix summary: Doof Warrior must deal with new wasteland bass player who tries to steer the drummers more towards Fusion Jazz.

I just wish that he'd of settled on an accent.

There were a few 'fucks' thrown around.


The only thing I really knew about Miller's influences was that he was a doctor and was inspired by the car and motorcycle crash victims that he had to stitch up. The best lesson I got from film school was to judge each movie by what it's supposed to be and not by what you think it should be. I've pretty much tried to