The Porkchop Express

The first episode. And it's what made me realize that those guys were fucking geniuses.

No, it's a damn funny movie. A better outing than Brain Candy (which I just break up in sketches in my mind to make it more enjoyable). There's not a moment of Run, Ronnie, Run that isn't funny.

The twist being that they aren't assholes for doing what they're doing. It's a 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few' type of thing. Basically, they're doing bad things for good reasons.

Yes, a million times 'yes'!

Seeing the director getting pissed at everyone at the Q&A is fucking great.

Trademarks can expire. Companies have to renew them every few years. If they don't, then someone else can register the same trademark once the old one expires.

The WGA certification gives him a date to say that his work predates the movie.

Tarantino will at least admit that he's ripping off his favorite movies.

I don't mind the twist. It just seems like that's the crux of the whole movie. It doesn't allow itself enough time to be a horror movie because it's spending a good deal of it setting up the twist ending.

Whedon has been accused multiple times in the past of lifting from other, lesser known sources. It's pretty much like how things are with Cosby now. I haven't seen any actual evidence, but there's enough accusations going around to make me pretty sure someone got fucked.

LA has decades upon decades of fostering shitheads to blame for their problems. In Southern LA for a politician to be crooked is not a stereotype. It's a prerequisite.

Kimmel should be a writer or an executive (like Michaels for SNL). He's terrible with people. I find that he's too busy trying to hide his natural dickish character and often failing during interviews.

Then let me introduce you to an area known as Southern Louisiana.

I grew up as a Sci-fi fan in the 80's. I'm used to 'not terrible' as being a high point for a majority of genre material. It's pretty much all we had back then with few exceptions.

I'm sure people deny it's existence more out of a self preservation of sanity than as any indication on how your character is viewed by your friends.

And the fact that it's the Air Force general who is completely against the idea of 100% automating the nuclear arsenal while the elitist techno-geek pushes it.

I remember leaving the second Hobbit movie with a friend complaining about the dwarves attacking the dragon with the stuff they found. "After that long of a time the chemicals would be inert."
My reply, "Yeah, and what about that bullshit with a fucking dragon? Dragons aren't real. Who the fuck do they think they're

Turn in your nerd card and hang your head in shame.

Captain Picard in a wheelchair is how he first described it.

He just wants to be loved. Is that so wrong?