The Porkchop Express

Did you do it on a 40 degree day?

Good for Bolton for having a sense of humor about it, but this is pretty mediocre (like Bolton's music itself). If I could see that he was having fun with it, it'd be more entertaining. All he's really doing is just reciting the lines. I guess it may be a little harsh to compare him to David Herman's fantastic facial

I also loved 'Taste of India'. I must confess, though, that I went to school with a chick named India and she was hot. I'm pretty sure that had as much to do with it as the quality of the song.

"This… is my domain."

I'm scheduled to freak out about something else completely irrelevant at a later date. Freaking out about this now is efficient. I can't afford the overlap.

This has always been my fear of the flying car dream. Soccer moms in flying SUV's weaving in 3 dimensions.

I can't. I have a cable modem and what's called 'limited basic' package that is only about ten channels. I got it because it was $10 and Comcast was going to charge me an extra $10 for not having a cable package. I can't get HBO unless I up my service, which will cost me another $30+ a month before I get HBO. I can

"Can you make the blood run up the walls?"

This looks a lot like the 'Free Puppy Mobile' that cruises my neighborhood.

Maybe the guy was being a dick like the Star Trek nerd that corrects someone about TNG continuity by proclaiming the same thing despite the comment being blatantly false.

Aerosmith. Ever since their resurgence in the 80's, they've just been kind of a shell of their 70's glory. This is coming from someone who grew up with the resurgence material and discovered the older stuff later. Maybe someone should just get Tyler and Perry coked up real good before recording. Or just get Tyler

As someone who grew up in the middle of 'Elvis country', I can say that he was a fantastic singer. Young, skinny Elvis or old, fat Elvis, he had a voice that was unparalleled. But he sang other people's songs. Chuck Berry made his music from the ground up. He wrote lyrics and music as well as being a terrific

And let George Clinton produce it. Get back to the funky Stevie.

That's because country music shifted when Garth Brooks hit the scene. Instead of it being the white man's blues, it's where people who want to rock but can't go and cover it up by calling it 'country music'.

A girl I went to college with was a vegetarian, but she wasn't a dick about it. She was so unassuming about the whole thing that I went out of my way to make sure that I had vegetarian alternatives for anything with meat in it for any get togethers at my place.

Man, that is a good movie. Probably my favorite non-Carpenter Russell movie.

It was originally supposed to be a short in part of an anthology sci-fi film. The studio liked it, so they made it a feature. You can see where they added the padding (the wife and such), but I give them credit for sticking with that ending.

Cronenberg was originally hired to write and direct. His script was tossed because it was too close to PKD's story. I'd love to see that adaptation.

PKD's endings are typically very un-Hollywood. Imposter, A Scanner Darkly, and Screamers are the closest they've ever done. I still much prefer the story ending. I think it would have been awesome to see Cruise's character turn around and murder that dude the second he reads the third report and starts running for his

You don't know the half of it. That's the model they installed in the men's room.