
I hope he means that the Queen of Thorns has a SON that is dumb as shit. It ruins his "wicked burn" on the Clintons, but Lord Tyrell is her son.

Yes, my favorite thing to say to a Moon landing denier is "Don't tell Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffe, or Ed White. They and their families are pretty committed to the lie."

Mad Libs generators and sexism in Hollywood aside…that GQ article about Robbie that triggered all this is just crappy writing in general. Remove the content and just look at the style. It's insufferable.

I even loved him on that Terminator show.

I was wondering about when it would be set. Milch obviously isn't super-concerned with being historically accurate (and rightly so), but that fire destroyed the entire thoroughfare from the show and most of the real-world counterparts to the main characters left town because of it. I think Seth Bullock was already