Jackie G

Sweetie, There are indeed profound problems on some reservations. My family chose not to be victims - we went to college, pursued degrees in professions we liked, and chose to succeed. We do not live in the past, we treasure our heritage but have no need of a crutch to explain any failures we experience. I

And why not - 2014, living in the distant past is an exercise

Always vote for myself, I do not say things I do not think are correct. Do you think Obama voted for Romney?? LOLOL

LOLOL Standard cop-out - Darling, I am Native American, registered Independent. and well educated. That old saw has lost its usefulness; in fact has become laughable. But hang in there, I know it is a comfort zone for some.

LOL Under the impression that greater than half the nation needs FOX to understand that Obama is incompetent. LOLOL

Obama sycophants are so predictable -