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    I just rewatched WWE and this bit just fell so flat.  The "those things never let you finish a sentence do they" was barely tolerable.  O'hare just didn't have the flair for JMS-brand comedy.  He was much better in Part 2 when he was barking orders at everyone.  He did haunted well too, when he's trying to contact

    If you're not listening to The Flop House, like, ALL the time, you aren't living life right.  That said, however, I can't listen to it on my work commute any more, it's impossible to not laugh out loud, and people on the subway keep mistaking me for a crazy homeless person when I do that.

    The only one I can really remember this far on is the one where Sam is a mental patient and his brain is even more messed up than usual because he's getting electroshock therapy.  He realizes that he needs another shock to be able to leap free.  Bakula did a great job of portraying total mania in this one.  Plus the

    I just rewatched this this morning and that's how I took it too.

    The original (1993) version of the pilot is still widely available - it's on iTunes for $2 if you want to submit yourself to that particular brand of horror.  (I think the version on Amazon is also the 93 version although there's no preview, so I'm guessing.)

    As an audio nerd and horror cinema fan I wanted to love this movie a lot more than I actually did.  It is definitely worth seeing but it's no masterpiece. The end descends into David Lynch levels of incoherence.  That's not necessarily a bad thing but I didn't feel it worked that well in this film.

    Two terrible episodes back to back. When I ripped my farscape discs to my server, I left out these eps.  Season 2 is really all over the map in terms of rewatchability.  I've only got 12 out of 22 episodes as "keepers".

    I just watched it and I was mostly unspoiled apart from some vague "this is a heavy episode" comments (which episodes aren't heavy?).  Wow.  "Gut punch" is right.

    When we saw Hipster Assassin Jack I turned to my wife and said "Johnny Depp's really been letting himself go lately."

    yes please!

    I use the "choking on my own rage here" line about 3 times a week.

    I had an epileptic friend as well - you're right, there is something pretty terrifying about it. It's when you realize that people are just a bunch of meat and liquids with some sort of wiring managing it all. When the wiring gets fucked up you see beyond the illusion. It's super creepy and impossible to fake.

    i don't know how you could think the thing or escape from new york look underwhelming. maybe it's hard to see it now as they are widely recognized as classics. pretty much everything kurt russell did with john carpenter is completely fantastic.  (i also have a giant soft spot for big trouble in little china.)

    You probably shouldn't have taken that job in crime scene cleanup.

    he did include the video clip. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING SIR? i mean thank you come again.

    Yeah, I'm with you. I just finished a Farscape rewatch a few weeks ago and it's fresh in my mind, so I'm very interested in hearing what The Noobs think.

    Skinny Puppy > Nitzer Ebb > F242

    I did an album with Jack Dangers of Meat Beat Manifesto, who also sampled the "I live for drugs" bit (in "Acid Again"). He showed me the original record it came from, it's a 60's public service/news item that was supposed to be used to scare kids straight.