Ryan S

They should have had a giant rock fall on his face halfway through the movie and then replace him with another actor.

I guess the Night King is a Yu-Gi-Oh fan with his Blue Eyes White Dragon.

They gave him the GREEN LIGHT, when they should given him the RED LIGHT.

How do you record, record a kingdom?

Well, that's what I heard.

If the penis glows blue, it's true!

We got boobies tonight!

I don't know why, but Kevin Garvey gave off a bit of a Bruce Campbell vibe just the way he looked.

When she is that beautiful, she can be as weird as she wants.

It's a shame because she is a really good actress but she tends to pick crappy movies to do. She was really great in Casino Royale and her show Penny Dreadful was great too!

Eva Green was the best thing about the 2nd one.

We need an Arnold spin-off.

Whenever the X-Men are not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where are the X-Men"?

I liked that Dharma-van they drove ;)

She would be cool too but she has her own Netflix show now :(

Huh, I have not read that. That is a bummer if true.

I guess. The Witcher games deal with sex a lot so whoever plays who is going to show a lot of skin. Lot's of boobs, butts, and cocks.

She would be great but I wonder if she would do nude scenes.

Yeah I can see that, but I doubt she would do any nude scenes.

Eva Green as Yennefer please.