

according to wikipedia, they thought about preparing two copies but ultimately didn't — they decided it was too much work

im not a huge fan of the constant "he's just some incapable nobody!" talk, either.

i always got the impression it was less an actual defined-and-discussed archetype, and more a term used by women to help explain/explore/critique the pressures put on them by the patriarchy. i also imagine it's more of a thing the more douchey your social circle.

they've definitely gone as close to making scar jo look japanese as humanly possible without literally putting her in yellowface

questioning the "commitment level" of someone who has just had incredibly invasive, body-altering medical procedures done on them is pretty transphobic.

but republican politicians absolutely have put anti-lgbt policy into law - we've seen it just this year with the bathroom law stuff

being a woman is not experiential, though.

yikes what the fuck

(disclaimer: i've actually never played a space sim before)

star citizen seems terrifyingly complicated. also: my PC struggles to load web pages.

i actually had the exact opposite experience with my first (and only) lifeless world: flying around in my spaceship, the lack of flora and fauna made it very easy for me to spot anything worth stopping for. after a little while i had visited so many beacons that i had to actively ignore monoliths and colonies in order

i have been thinking a lot that i'd almost like the game more if they had just focused on building one polished planet (with a lot of different animals and plants) rather than an entire procedurally generated universe.

i'd just like to have a sense of how far i've travelled/what parts of the planet i've discovered. even just some markers when i fly back up into space would be nice.

what i find amazing is that there hasn't been a single point playing the game where i've thought "wow, that really looks like a plausible alien world!".

the mapping thing times x10000


i think the birdwatching/hiking distinction is an interesting one. i've been explicitly thinking about hiking a lot as i play: i'm trying to walk through environments whenever possible, rather than using my ship.

ive found that it's the perfect game to listen to while i'm trying to go through new music. i put spotify on in the background while i play, and it holds my attention just enough that i can segue between the music and the game depending on which one im enjoying more at any particular moment.