A pedant

I thought she was singing "Knife Cheese" at first, and to this day I am still not certain which would be funnier.

The Night court episode has the single funniest scene in the entire show's history, including the 2 excellent lines "What the matter Ken? You got wife eyes." and "Like an owl without a graduation cap. HEARTBREAKING."

He also has the one where he is impersonating Tracy and Jack. I thought his stuff was always very funny, and was sad to see him pushed out. He's great in his getting fired/quitting/re-auditioning scenes in season 4.

IN one of the later seasons they hang a lampshade on it, when Liz is reacting to some of Jennas new crazy she says "I can't believe you are my… closest female friend?" It made me laugh quite a bit.

Thank you for being my secretary Liz Lemon!

Leo: We have no way of knowing, because the powerful bread lobby keeps stopping my research

I find it even better in the live writers strike performance a the UCB on the season 2 DVD. Donald Glover plays Shaq and his reading and face during "It'll be a slam dunk" is absolutely hilarious.

Beep. Beep.

The first episode I saw was Poker Night as it aired, so I was hooked from there. Didn't get to be disapointed in the first 2 episodes until I got the DVD shortly before season 2 aired.

Here's the pitch: Wind Power. Bandwidth. Chinese Market.

Bailouts play a big role, as do banking scandals in general. There is a lot of gender politics stuff that will likely seem very of-its-time eventually. Season 2 has a LOT of great stuff about the war on terror, and the Bush administration. I'm sure I can think of more stuff, eventually.

He also bought and reopened Lehman brothers so he wouldn't have to party with asshole frat finance dudes any more.

I assume they realized this site is mostly focused on TV now, and they liked film better.

My WHOLE life is thunder, you cretin.

Causin' a stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir

No Black Tie, comment immediately disregarded as the ramblings of an insane person.

Astute observation, but I'd add that the glut of competing superhero franchises with their own boring origin stories magnified the redundancy of origins in the cases of the 2000s onward films.

If we are grading it against the show I would certainly put it in the C-D range. Large swaths do not work at all. Solid B against all of tv though, I would say. Although I have watched this show, The SImpsons, and Always Sunny repeatedly more than any other shows. The Office slightly below that rewatch tier for

Episode 3 was fantastic. I certainly wouldn't say 4 was better than 3, but I guess I will learn what other people think of this season.

I've never seen Studio 60 at all, but the only things I've ever heard is that it failed to live up to the promise of an excellent pilot. Also, that it tried to make sketch live weekly sketch comedy seem like a noble calling instead of an impossible task.