
Ordinary fucking people.

RIP Cowboy Funk.

I have watched and rewatched that line and John Mulaney's delivery fills me with a strange kind of glee.

Michael and Michael Have Issues' Jessi Klein, thank you very much.

Christmas Predator.
Christmas Predator Goes to Summer Camp.

So it's a hip hop-based musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton?

"Yeah, that's 'da butt'" has been forcibly used in many conversations over the years.

Agreed, even though the Nowhere to Run needle drop makes up for it.

Love love love Michael Mann but using Audioslave in Collateral is near-unforgivable.

69 Love Songs, huh?

You have a son. And it's me.

Shane Black is a national treasure, and the Nice Guys is number one on my must-see list.

Thank goodness.


I know at some point, I'll have to come to terms with how much time I spent with people that took the Red Hot Chili Peppers seriously.

I'm pretty sure Chrises Evans and Hemsworth weren't Benedict Cumberbatch level of famous when they were cast as Captain America and Thor.

You sound like an anime villain.

You should watch it again.

"Can anyone tell me what the Internet is, and how it almost destroyed mankind in 2007 2016?"
