
that is a head-scratcher… maybe because TMBG are more ironically wacky? whereas BNL is going for the "nyuk nyuk" kind of zaniness? look, i'm helping! or not. i suppose i get it…but to classify them along side bieber or nickelback… it hurt a little is all…

i like both of them. but…i wanted to be alanis once upon a time. except for the being canadian part. no offense, northern neighbors. you never quite give up those dreams, do you? *sigh*

noooo. not BNL. they're funny…sometimes. and at least they intend to be! where as the other three you listed are just laughable as a side effect of existing! :p

ooh. full circle.

I always just wrote off Connor as an annoying little shit because he was also Darla's son. I mean, where do the genetics start with a miracle baby born of two vampires? Angel (or Liam) and Darla weren't very great humans and exceptionally blood lusty vampires. Connor was bound to be disturbed naturally. Then being

Exactly. I think they were punting around Charisma's pregnancy. Must've thrown them for a loop.

wow. asking for people to kill you seems a little dramatic. try turning off the TV first at least. and i'll give you that the magic addiction piece was a bit after school special, but it also set up how willow could go that dark place so easily. and i'm ok with the buffy fucking spike stuff because a) spike is HOT

The musical episode ALONE at least makes Buffy S6 better than Angel S2. I can give you a tie between S7 and AnS2. They're both equally uneven. But that's my final offer.

Truth. You're right.

I'm with you Slam. I loved Cordy on Angel (not so much on Buffy), but the Jasmine arc…even when I rewatch, I find it tedious. Notably, though, it was invented to hide Charisma's pregnancy at the time…remember she spent most of that season in bed under the covers until she was prego with Jasmine.

I agree it was flawed, but it still resolved the story arcs in a satisfying way. It just wasn't as poetic as the Angel finale.

I'd break this down more. Buffy S1-S3 + S5 > Angel S3-S5 > Buffy S6-S7 > Angel S1-S2 > Buffy S4. I really disliked S4. The Initiative was so boring. And Riley did nothing for me.

I maintain a comfortable position on the fence, thank you.

The appearance of Dawn led to the best Buffy season finale (S5) of all of them. And I loved it when Angelus batted Connor around, so it wasn't all bad. The true misstep was when Connor got it on with Cordelia and spawned a demon goddess. That was just no good.

I think Angelus IS the reason to watch season 4. I loved it when Boreanaz got to play the evil vampire rather than the brooding one.

I like Buffy and Angel equally and for different reasons. Angel was definitely darker, and sort of opera/tragic, while Buffy held onto the more humorous and lighter side of things, at least until the "First" started descending upon Sunnydale. Angel S5 was better than Buffy S7, but I don't think Buffy S7 was "not


no way. the celebrity jeopardy sketch made tuning in for at least part of the broadcast totally worth it. unless you mean from eddie murphy's appearance. then…yes.

The Californians reminded me why I stopped watching the show. Kristen Wiig was the only funny member of that cast. LOVED Celebrity Jeopardy (still my all time favorite), the Wayne's World Top 10 (sit down, Kanye!), Weekend Update, and the music montage (Nick Ocean, Opera Man, and the return of The Culps) the most.

For that matter, was Freaks and Geeks really a "sitcom?"