
Based on what?

I think this is likely the last we will see of Regina King on The Leftovers. Not only because she has the busiest career in show business over at American Crime and the 4 billion other roles she is playing, but she has accepted Evie's death and seems to be healthy. Being healthy is not part of The Leftovers

OK, i know its tv so there is a certain suspension of disbelief necessary, but seriously, where was Sophie this episode and who was with the kids while Michelle was stoned, Tina was sitting outside Alex's place and Brett was at his meet-cute? T

Yes, we knew Nina was married. She said it last season when she was in prison.

To know for sure I think we will have to see this scene from Alison's POV. This is the whole point of this show, our remembrances of small and even large details are different depending on who is doing the remembering.

I didn't interpret that scene as rape. She kissed him back, she didn't say no and didn't recoil from him either during or afterward. I read it as unplanned sex. Noah may have been trying to screw her back into his image of her and get her to drop her newfound inner peace. Noah may be a selfish prick, but I didn't

It was not Mathis' tagline that Don stole in Waldorf Stories, it was Danny's.

Joel mentioned that another family was bringing the kids to school.

Lots of people are on about the divergence, and it's something but I also think there is a lot of plot to be revealed. Regarding Cole being a maniac (and Helen at various stages of the narrative being such a shrew for that matter), we have to remember that these are Noah's and Alison's memories which of course are

Pretty interesting explanation by Treem about the divergent memories over at Hitfix. I certainly don't think the finale was the strongest episode by far and it's not quite clear to me the sequence of events from the train platform at the end of episode 9 and that swanky apartment. The show is so much better in those

Was this the first we learned of Chibs' first name, Phil?

You are basically giving the same review episode after episode, talking about how bad it is but how you are still basically interested in it. More analysis and nuance, less apologizing.

Yes, Abel might be the only one to figure out the truth of who Jax is. BTW, is no one mentioning that besides the fight he witnessed, grandma bringing Abel to a whorehouse to spend the afternoon and arranging a sexual deviant to pick him up from school might not be the best idea?

I don't want to split hairs but I don't think Corinna drives Tyra home. There is a small little exchange at the end of the scene where Corinna says she will be fine walking home or something like that.

I thought the episode was a bit too loose, too many plot points and did we really need the Paige religious issue in this episode? Cutting it would have made it tighter. The Mossad agent also was not well casted. Israelis distinctly accent the second syllable, the actor had a sort of muted Eastern European accent

Pete Campbell comes from an old money Democratic family, I think that is where his liberal tradition kicks in.  Pete is most of the time a total lout but I think the show and Vincent Kartheiser do a great job letting Pete's humanity come through.