
That and her probably wanting to spend time with her newborn kid might also be a factor in why she's been pretty bare-bones in terms of promotion at the moment.

Yeah it's not that often I'm distracted from the lead vocalist in performance, but that guy sure was something.

No matter how I may feel about Michael Che and Colin Jost hit and miss quality as update hosts, I do like how much they've made update their own.

It's weird that two times they had DC film folks as hosts, they never capitalize on it. I would have loved to have seen a Suicide Squad sketch when Margot Robbie hosted, and yeah it's pretty disappointing that they​ didn't do a Wonder Woman sketch tonight.

It's amazing how despite how emotionally gutted I was when LCD Soundsystem announced they were splitting up, ever since James announced he was working on new stuff, I've been pretty content in not checking it out. Maybe in all the emotional preparation I did for getting used to no longer hearing from them, I moved on

In case anyone wants to know what the World Peace Rap sketch was about, it was basically a parody of a 2003 Hungarian Rap song called “Stop The War”. It was made by a rapper named Speak in what I believe was an attempt to protest the War In Iraq and talk about how bad 9/11 was, but ultimatley became viral for it's

Words alone couldn't explain how geeked out I was when Leo Yoshimura, reprised his role as Sulu. It's such a subtle call back, but it's one of those things you can't help but appreciate.

Wow thank you for missing the point of my entire comment. And I'm not talking about white people's experience crossdressing, I am specifically talking about black men impersonating black women. Try to stay on topic.

Oh wow you can pick three black actors who do a shit practice, yeah surely those three actors speak for every single black actor and actress who ever existed. Hey man if you want to be obtuse that's on you, but don't act as if you have some interesting insight about black people.

The bigger an entertainment name the hos ist, the more they have a say on the general direction tone of an episode. It's hardly a surprise that episodes were they get hosts like Louis CK and Dave Chappelle are pretty much expertly crafted to match the hosts sensibilities.

That and anytime Niles Roger gets the loving applause he deserves is cool with me.

Shit I meant to say West coast of the US and Canada, sorry pretty sleepy when I wrote that.

Sure it's not going to reach the pitch perfect diversity we would want, but it's definitely a start. Considering around the time Jay voiced his complaint the show was still relying on Kennan to play black women as a cheap joke, to now where it actually has a black female cast member who actually connects to the

But yeah when all is said and done, I really don't think Fallon is anywhere as bad as most of us online folks like to act as he is. Yes is he a milquetoast wreck of a host and I pretty much Pick Colbert over him every chance I can, but I don't know maybe it's my nostalgia goggles from the years I remember him as a

Essentially both episodes worked as extensions of the hosts previous work and general shtick. If you don't like Jimmy's reliance on the milquetoast doofy demeanor that he's been crafting since 2009, then this episode would yield no converts.

When he and Kennan where the only black people on the show and clear majority were white yes it clearly does add more diversity. Come on man no need to be obtuse

Nah it's more about not wanting to be marginalized, in case you didn't know there is a shit history of black comedians getting marginalized into playing sketches where they are in dresses and basically do sassy black women stereotypes.

Hey, I will not stand by to see a great man like Charlie get dragged down like that.

Essentially this is the episode I expected from the Jimmy Fallon that's now the host of the Tonight Show.

But eh, I know folks love to bash him on his current Tonight show stint, but I always thought he was pretty good back when he was on Late Night.