
Not sure what to think of Harry Styles solo, granted I think I'm one of the few folks I know who actually kinda liked One Direction and thought they were pretty good at what they did (that and their last single "Perfect" was a pretty stellar track about the guys becoming self-aware about how much fame's both

As a person who's lived in the east coast for much of my life, yeah the whole event of SNL being officially live in every time zone is kinda lost on me. But hey to the folks in the west coast and Canada, hope you had a good time awkwardly shoving your hands like I did this episode.

As it should be known, I am a huge Rachel Dratch fan, so much that I still consider her and Maya Rudolph to be the cast members I had the hardest time accepting leaving the show (and I say this as person who easily got over Will Ferrell, Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, and Seth Meyers

The end of the Ex-Boyfriend is probably one of the best usage of an incontinuity brick joke that I've seen the show do in a while. An interesting twist, that even if it doesn't exactly make the sketch better, it does remind me of how great it was to see SNL ridicule that shitty Pepsi ad last week.

Their something about this episode, that was exactly how I expected it to be.

To be fair while I feel the same way you do towards next week's host, and his TV show, one has to admit at the time he was one of SNLs best cast members of the early 2000s, it only makes sense for an alumni like that to come back.

Honestly wasn't expecting the twist in the Soda jerk sketch. Definitely made it far more interesting.

Overall a very solid episode, perhaps the best episode of the season after the Dave Chappelle one. If theirs one thing I have been loving about this season is how the writers have really done a great job with marrying their humour with the sensibilities of the host. Much like how the Dave Chappelle episode perfectly

I was waiting all week for SNL to trash that shitty Pepsi ad, and man did they not disappoint.

As much as I want to hate The Chainsmokers, (and to be honest I do). The hapless millennial in me that longs for summertime romantic flings and young carefree adventure does feel an odd connection to there music, not that I am proud. Too bad I'm too broke and depressed to have either of those things.

It's kinda depressing that SNL showed a saner outlook towards Trump's action with Syria, than most of our news media who just decided to gush over Trump finally living up to his promise of bombing a country. I hate the times we're living in.

Had it not been for the end, the Clown sketch could easily have been an episode of Louie.

I absolutely loved his second song, very passionate performance and his backing band is pretty good as well. Haven't been into Father John Misty that much since 2012, but after seeing him last night, I really should check out his new album.

I can't be the only person who thought the chocolate sketch was brilliant. I love when Beck Bennett can just go full on to the weirdness track. And man was that sketch weird. You could definitely tell how funny it was considering Vanessa Bayer was trying pretty hard not to break, and I have never known her to break

I know it is Michael Che's M.O. to tell an ironic sexist joke whenever he's on the subject of Women's history month or International women's day, but man has it stopped being funny at this point.

Definitely loved Father John Misty's second performance.

In the original pilot she played one of the Wonder Twins who worked at the office. Granted this was back when the original idea of the show was that everyone worked at an insurance company that helped pay for buildings that were destroyed in superhero battles.

The original pilot played up more on the Damage Control influences, but when a new showrunner got brought along, that set up was pretty much scrapped in favor for what we got here.

Yeah Vanessa Hudgens really did have a Mary Richards, Leslie Knope, Judy hoops thing going for her which I found pretty charming.

Maybe it’s because my expectations for the show were pretty low, but man am I really loving the show. It’s an interesting marriage on the idea of The Mary Tyler Moore show existing in the DC Universe. I am really enjoying the characters, Vanessa Hudgens Mary Richard-esque character is charming, Danny Pudi is funny in