
I won't deny that they did that, but also context wise I would argue this tributes have as much to do with the fear folks have for a Trump presidency as it does with respect they had for them.

"Moves" and "Bounce Back" are already strong contenders for my biggest guilty pleasure, that I would die if anyone found out I actually like, tunes of the year. I will never deny that Big Sean has rhyming talent, but it's amazing hw virtually none of his stuff has elevated beyond guilty pleasure for me.

My previous post stands, they did have Trump host last season, a move which considering how soft ball the episode was definitely influential in increasing his popularity.

Well there's that and also I believe him being at the women's day March in New York was part of the factor

As much as I loved the To Sir with Love singalong at the end, and will admit it was perhaps the sweetest way to send off Obama, but to be honest it all just reminds me of the weird neutral place this show goes into politically wise. As much as we praise this show for it's wonderful job in ridiculing the inauguration

The Kellyanne Conway sketch is wonderful in how it made me more turned on by the subject of kellyanne Conway than I ever thought I could be or ever want to be again, in fact I would really appreciate it if SNL never repeated this sketch ever again. It's kind of hard to be annoyed at a person for pretty much being

Follow that Bird earns points for a genius Patton reference with Oscar in the beginning, as well as an amazing Chevy Chase, Sandra Bernhard, and John Candy cameo.

Wait a minute, wasn't the pervy Elves sketch originally from the Louis CK episode

Considering Taylor Swift ended up hosting/musical guesting SNL after simply one guest spot where she was decent at best and nowhere as magnetic as Chance, for him not to get his own host/perform episode would be an injustice.

Always was a fan of the "Best friends of Foreign Dictators" segment on Weekend Update, I understand retiring it after Fred left, but if Putin keeps on a mainstay on the news like he usually is, it would be great to bring it back.

Wow I haven't had the time to listen to Chance The Rapper's Coloring Book album, but wow if it's anything as amazing as his performance was last night, I think, I should be hitting myself on the head for missing out on such a quality work. But, yeah another year, Another Chance The Rapper musical guest spot on SNL,

As a major RUN-DMC fan the “Last Christmas with Barack” sketch really geeked me out. It's amazing how faithfully the recreated the look and feel of Christmastime in Hollis video. Chance was amazing in his DMC impersonation and seeing a cameo from the man himself was just awesome. And once again, my constant crush on

It's been so long since I bothered to listen to The xx. I have to say while still sticking to their soft spoken style I love how their music seems to have a new found sense of positiveity and lushness.

Their SNL performance was amazing especially seeing Q-Tip really lash out at the audience during the Space Program performance.

I am loving this album so much it works way better as a final statement than The Love Movement did back in 1998. It is the.album that shows that old age in no way Diminished the craft work and sublime genius that made the entire group, not just Q-Tip, the amazing bunch they were and still are.

The only good thing about this episode was Solange musical performances everything else bored me to death.

My Black Heart (I mean as a term of racial identity and not emotional state) is beating so hard right now.

I love the exchange between Earn and Swift

Doanld's performance as Earn is proof positive that you can make a straight character in a show every bit as compelling as the more out there characters.

Not sure if I can agree with the episode being weak. I think tonight's episode was entertaining simply for the fact that Emily Blunt did a great job in all of her sketches, granted I will agree that the writing was a bit directionless. But, when you have someone who knows how to maneuver through comedy like Emily,